Spencer took another dose of melatonin, then reached for his tablet, hoping some mindless web surfing would knock him out.

While his eyes got heavy, he reacted to the new memes posted in his Facebook group. Some people were sad, some members were trying to console others—hell, some were even trying to find company.

Spencer created his own post and attached the links of some new songs that made it onto his holiday playlist this year.

‘Christmas Will Break Your Heart’, ‘What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas’, and, of course, Miley Cyrus’s ‘My Sad Christmas Song’.

He included some sad face emojis, then hit Post. It wasn’t long before he began to see replies. He was almost asleep when one comment caught his eye.

BurbankVI:Someone as beautiful as you should never be alone.

Spencer blinked at the new member’s name again, then again. It washim—had to be. He sat straight up in bed and tried to clear the grogginess from his vision.

Spencer’s heart tried to beat out of his rib cage. Once he calmed himself, he reacted with a heart emoji and a simplethank you.

Spencer held his breath, waiting for another response. He sat on pins and needles for five minutes, but no other words came. He flopped backward on the bed and buried himself under the covers.

He could still hear his neighbors’ music and was about to shove his earplugs back in his ears when his messenger app pinged with a notification.

BurbankVI:You’re welcome. I was hoping you’d post today… I’ve been waiting patiently.

Spencer’s sour mood began to take a fast turn. He was smiling, staring at Cole’s handle.

SpencerWUT:My intention was to sleep the day away, but my neighbors are not making it easy.

BurbankVI:I would’ve held you while you slept the day away.

Spencer released a shaky breath, then released it slowly.If only.God, if only he could find someone who would put him first, a man who’d make Spencer’s comfort and needs his top priority.

Each time he’d taken that gamble, he’d lost in a horrible way.

SpencerWUT:How is it I miss your sweet talk already and Ive only known you for one week?

BurbankVI:You miss me?

Spencer rolled his eyes. Ordinarily, he’d think,Rich men and their egos. Always seeking validation. But that thought never came to mind when he pictured Cole’s shy smile and honest brown eyes.

He had a feeling that Cole wanted to be missed, wanted to be important to someone too, for reasons other than his title and bank account.

Did Spencer miss him already? Short answer:yes. Did he want him there with him right now, in his bed, holding him close and taking away all his heartache?Fuck yes!

SpencerWUT:Since you’re five hundred miles away I guess I can be brave behind this keyboard……… yes Cole. I miss you.

BurbankVI:How much?

Spencer laughed.Seriously? What are we, in high school?

SpencerWUT:If you were here right now Id show you exactly how much I miss you… many many times

BurbankVI:I miss you too, Spence. I miss your voice. I miss your kindness. I miss your sweet kisses

The use of his nickname felt intimate, and Spencer was just short of begging Cole to come back and make it all better like he did at the club. He spread his legs wider to give his cock room to thicken in his briefs.

SpencerWUT:I miss your tender touch. I miss your smell… I miss your mouth on mine. If you were here I’d kiss you all over.

Spencer was thinking of asking Cole to FaceTime him when a sharp knock at his front door made him jump a mile high. He stared at his bedroom door like he could see through it.

Who the fuck?