“Cole, I’m so sorry. I had no right to judge you.” Spencer lowered his eyes. “I guess I’ve been working here a little too long. I’ve become jaded.”

“It’s okay, because you treated me like I was…”

“A regular guy.” Spencer nuzzled under his throat.

“Exactly. Even after you found out who I am, you didn’t care. You made me work for it. That’s a first for me.”

“I’m sure men and women throw themselves at you every day.” Spencer glanced up at him with light dancing in his eyes. “Can I be honest?”

“I’d prefer if you did.”

“I wanted you to be the salesman at the jewelry store in the mall.”

“Really… why?” Cole smiled.

“So I could go back anytime I wanted to see you or mess with you. I’d feign like I was outraged at your forwardness like I did today. But I’d keep going back, and you’d keep asking me out every time. Then, when I couldn’t wait anymore to be with you, I’d pretend you wore me down and accept the date.” Spencer stared into his eyes. “I would’ve played hard to get, but you would’ve owned me from the start.”

Cole gripped Spencer’s hands. “I just need one chance to show you that I’m nothing like those men in there. Please, Spencer. I swear I’ll only need one.”

Cole groaned at the smooth purr of his Bentley easing up beside them.

Spencer’s eyes widened at the sleek black, big-body sedan, or maybe it was the six-foot-three ex-Marine who got out and opened the back door.

“We better get back to the hotel, Mr. Burbank,” his head of security insisted in his rough voice.

Cole wanted to backhand his buddy. What was he doing? Why was he being so formal?

“Yeah, I’ll be right there, Axel.”

His security in the bulletproof SUV behind the Bentley stood outside their vehicle, scanning the parking lot when there was zero fucking danger. Did they think this was making him look good or important?

“For fuck’s sake, guys. Get back in the damn truck.”

“Oh man. Why do I have to attract the rich ones?” Spencer looked exasperated, but Cole saw a hint of a smile tugging the corners of his lips.

“Yeah, tough break, huh.” He winked.

Spencer’s walls were crumbling, but Cole still had to tread lightly.

“So, let’s say that maybe I wouldn’t mind having dinner with you when you come back to town.” Spencer brushed his lips against his. “Will one of your ten secretaries call and pencil me in?”

Cole stared in pretend amazement. “You’re perfect. Look at the way you talk. You practically speak the billionaire’s partner lingo.”

Spencer let out a bright laugh, then clamped his hand over his mouth as if he hadn’t heard that sound in a long time.

“You’re pretty funny, you know that?”

“Pull out your phone and call this number.”

Spencer reached into his pocket for his cell and began to tap the digits Cole rattled off, then pressed the green receiver.

Cole’s phone vibrated in his pants pocket.

He took it out and answered without taking his eyes off Spencer’s. His voice was whisper-quiet. “Anytime you call this number,thisis the voice you’re going to hear. Not a secretary, not a driver, not my security… only me. No matter where I am, when I see this number, I’m going to answer. Whether I’m in a board meeting or forty thousand feet in the air, I will answer your call, Spencer.”

“It’s been an amazing night, Cole. Thank you.” A small glimmer of hope left Spencer’s eyes. “And if I don’t see you again, just know that this night with you was different from all the others.”

Cole didn’t want to go, but he knew if he didn’t get moving now, he was going to end up begging and perhaps coercing Spencer into doing something he wasn’t ready to do.