Spencer dropped his hand from where he’d been clutching Cole’s waist, and he immediately missed the heat of his touch.

Spencer dug his knuckles into his eye sockets.

“I was on my way back to the front of the lounge when I heard some of the employees bitching about me not allowing them to have a Christmas party or do any kind of Pollyanna gift swap thing.” Spencer squeezed his eyes shut. “I recognized Erik’s voice. He said that maybe if I hadn’t been such a dick about the holidays, I might’ve been invited to someone’s house for dinner.”


He hugged Spencer tight, unsure what to say to something so mean. Cole bit the inside of his cheek to keep from swearing. He wanted to go back to that bar and buy it just so he could fire everyone who’d hurt Spencer’s feelings.

“That’s messed up. What’d you say to them?”

“Nothing, I just kept walking. They have a right to their opinions. And Ihavebeen impossible to be around.”

Spencer slumped against the wall. Cole leaned into him, trying to keep the bitter chill from seeping into Spencer’s already cold soul.

“I wouldn’t let them do anything that had to do with the holidays. I told them that celebrating should be done on their personal time. So, I guess I asked for it, right?”

“No, you did not.”

“Those stupid gift exchanges are always so impersonal. No one puts any thought into a gift anymore, so I figured, why bother.”

Spencer gazed at the cloudless sky.

“My parents used to give me a handmade graphic comic they wrote together each year, about me.” Spencer’s smile was sad and wistful. “It was calledSpencer’s World of Unimaginable Tales.”

Cole held on tighter while Spencer reminisced. He understood better than most the pain of losing your hero, your idols.

“Sometimes I had superpowers, sometimes I was a villain. Hell, one time, I was an alien from another planet that had possessed their real son.” Spencer sniffed. “They were such amazing writers; I never knew what they were going to come up with next. And it was always handmade and from the heart. It meant something.”

Cole kissed the tip of Spencer’s cold nose, unable to resist. His piercing blue eyes and supple peachy lips called to him.

“If I had dinner plans tomorrow, I would cancel them and be with you.”

“I’m sure your family has a huge catered dinner, huh?”

Spencer discreetly wiped some moisture from the corners of his eyes before giving Cole a half smile. He wasn’t convinced he was all right, even when Spencer teased his fingers through the short hairs at the nape of his neck.

“Isn’t that why you’re catching a flight in the morning? To get home in time for dinner?”

Cole had to laugh at that.

“Hell no. There’s only one catered event I attend each year, and that’s our Children’s Hospital fundraiser. Where I went stag, by the way, and danced with my little niece all night.”

Spencer smiled wider, the joy reaching his eyes.

“My parents are in Barcelona for their annual Christmas vacation—the one I’m never invited to. Coleman and I used to spend the holidays together… just us. Since I have nothing more in my life, I’m heading back in the morning to prepare for a meeting the day after tomorrow.”

“Ahhh.” Spencer’s arms fell to his sides. “The busy life of a CEO.”

Cole ground his teeth. “Look. I’ve already deduced that you have reservations about associating with men with money—”

“And exceptional power.”

Cole froze. “Spencer, look. I was born a Burbank. I was born a billionaire, but I’ve never felt like one. My family is my family, and I have responsibilities whether I want them or not. Life doesn’t always let us do what we dreamed.”

“I understand, Cole.”

“No, you don’t. My big brother is gone. He was my best friend, Spencer. My hero. He never failed at anything, and now I’m supposed to be like him, but I know it’s not possible.”