Spencer stood on shaky legs, his mind fuzzy. He walked through the lounge with his head high as though he had everything under control.

A prior customer Spencer used to service scowled when he tried to walk by. The attorney grasped his hand in a grip tight enough to be punishing.

“Mr. Klein, is there something I can have your attendant get for you?” Spencer was polite but firm when he extracted his wrist from the man’s fist.

The young hotshot lawyer sat forward and leveled Spencer with a hard glare. “Yeah, he can get me you.”

“I’m sorry. I’m not available this evening,” he answered as nicely as he could.

“I can see that.” Mr. Klein craned his neck to look in Cole’s direction, who was also watching the exchange. “So, I’ve been demoted to Mr. Klein, huh? What happened to Will?”

“William, I apologize. I was just checking on your dinner order. It should be arriving shortly,” Renzo said from behind Spencer. “Let me have Jerry get you a fresh scotch.”

Renzo was another seasoned staff member who’d worked at Sergio’s almost as long as Spencer. Renzo and his assistant, Jerry, performed well together and were both phenomenal at making men feel admired, even the ones who didn’t deserve it.

After Spencer became manager and made the decision to take fewer customers, William Klein, Esq, had been the first one he’d passed off to Renzo. The man was far too handsy no matter how many times he’d been warned by Sergio and security to be respectful.

Ignoring his server, William continued to glower at Cole.

“I guess I can’t compete with a Burbank. My pockets aren’t deep enough, huh?”

Spencer concealed his scoff. It was always about fucking money with these guys. That was why it was so hard for them to find true love. Instead of being unprofessional, Spencer turned to Renzo and cupped his cheek, his designer stubble tickling his palm.

“You are doing a great job tonight. Let me know if you need anything.”

Spencer hurried and walked away before Mr. Klein could get irate. Spencer had no intention of starting a dick-measuring contest between the jewelry tycoon and the insecure lawyer.

Spencer gave the chef his platter order and was almost out of the kitchen when Sergio stopped him and hauled him toward a dark corner.

“What’s going on?” Spencer asked, confused.

“Look, um. I know I told you to make sure Mr. Burbank had a good time and left with a platinum membership.” Sergio clenched the back of his own neck, avoiding Spencer’s face. “But I may have been a bit too insistent about it. I’m sorry if I made you feel like you needed to doanythingto make that happen.”


“No. I was inconsiderate, and I’m so sorry. I know why you don’t take many customers anymore, and I told you I respected that.”

“Sergio, please.”

Spencer put his arm on his boss’s shoulder. At almost six feet, Spencer towered over him, but Sergio’s ego was taller than a skyscraper.

“I know that you do. And trust me, I’m not doing anything I don’t want to, okay?”

“But. But I thought you—”

“Thought I was what? Celibate?” Spencer shook his head.

He left from the shadows and started toward the staff’s lounge. A few of his coworkers jumped to their feet and rushed toward him, each one eager and firing off a question.

“Spencer, what’s up with the new guy?”

“All I wanna know is if he’s married.”

“My customer can’t stop watching you two across the room. He said your man is Coleman Burbank the fuckin’ Sixth. Billionaire extraordinaire.”

Is that even a question?Spencer rubbed his temples.

“Are you gonna pass him off to one of us after he signs up for membership? If so, I’m calling dibs.” LaVar stuck his hand into the air.