‘How dare you?’ she said, rising to her feet as finally he returned the phone to the cradle. ‘How dare you make arrangements for my family to suit yourself? How would you like it if I went around organising your family, so you could fall in with whatever my plans were?’

He looked up at her, his eyes for once strangely empty.

‘If that pleases you, go right ahead. But you might have some trouble. My whole family was wiped out when I was nine years old.’


THE words hung between them like lead weights in the still air of the climate-controlled office, the hum of his laptop the only sound.

‘I’m sorry,’ she said, standing there awkwardly, unsure whether to stay or leave.

‘Don’t be,’ he said without looking up. ‘It wasn’t your fault.’

‘No, I mean…’ Her hands found each other, together they wrestled for the right words. ‘I mean—’

‘Forget it,’ he said with a sweep of his hand, as if it meant nothing to him. ‘We’ve got a lot to get through today so I suggest you get yourself organised. I want you back here in half an hour so we can get started.’

Fine, she thought, whatever you say, her compassion evaporating at his dry tone. She nodded though she was sure he didn’t notice; his head was already focused on the papers in front of him. She turned to leave.

‘Oh, and Ms Summers—’


‘Do you have anything to wear that’s not brown?’

Philly looked down at her jacket and trousers. Okay, so what was wrong with her clothes? Maybe the suit didn’t have an expensive label, but it was a good name brand and it had been an absolute bargain, even if the jacket was a size too large.

‘You have a problem with brown?’ She could, of course, tell him she had a little Egyptian number stashed away at home waiting to be returned that was a real crowd pleaser, but somehow she didn’t think that was what he had in mind.

‘This deal’s worth a lot to Delucatek. The people we’ll be dealing with are real high-flyers. We should look the part. Do you have anything suitable?’

Meaning she should look the part. His suit smacked of designer while hers screamed bargain basement. She mentally flicked through her wardrobe’s contents, more spartan than ever after a pre-wedding economy drive. Bryce had been keen to get a property portfolio established between them as soon as possible and she’d been on a strict budget. Of course, she hadn’t realised that at the same time that she was budgeting, he was out splashing everything he could on the other woman, Miss Hot-Property.

All her scrimping hadn’t left much in the way of spending money though, especially for new clothes. Three suits, one tan, one summer-weight beige and the tweed she had on, plus black trousers, assorted blouses and a winter jacket was all that quickly came to mind if she didn’t count one pristine wedding dress still in its cellophane wrapping. She really ought to think about returning that some time. She wouldn’t be using it now.

She could have used her savings to buy new clothes since then, of course. But there was every possibility she’d need all of that and more once her mother got too sick to stay at home.

She was no fool. As much as she wanted to be able to care for her mother, there would come a time when it just wouldn’t work. She wouldn’t be able to be there twenty-four hours a day and she’d need to move somewhere with better care options. And from the enquiries she’d already made, good hospice care didn’t come cheap.

‘I don’t know,’ she said honestly. ‘What will I need?’

He barely looked up. ‘See Enid later. She’ll have the schedule and you can work out what you have to get and go shopping this afternoon after we’ve worked out a strategy. I’ll arrange an allowance.’

‘Fine,’ she said, feeling totally aggrieved, ramming her glasses up her nose defiantly as she turned on her heel. ‘I just hope it’s enough.’

It was more than enough. Philly surveyed the figure on the letter of authority Enid handed her with shock. Surely someone had made a mistake?

‘I think there’s one too many zeroes,’ she suggested.

Enid glanced over, eyes peering through her bifocals. ‘No, that’s right. Now there are three boutiques listed where this authority is valid. They should be able to supply everything you need. If you have to go elsewhere, keep the receipts and you’ll be reimbursed.’

‘But this is a fortune.’

Enid smiled at the younger woman. ‘He just wants you to look nice. It’s important to him.’

‘It’s important to the deal, more like it,’ she said, certain that nothing Damien thought about her would be personal. It would all relate to business.