Page 12 of Texting Mr. Mafia

I sigh, turning away and walking over to the bag. I punch it bare-fisted, glancing down at my phone. I could stomp on it right now. I don’t remember her number. I could crush my phone and never return to that restaurant and focus on just the Family, like always.

“It would be so much easier if he would talk to us. I can’t believe he’d only talk to Mom, especially about this.”

“You think Mom’s making it up?”

I turn back to Luca sharply. “What the fuck? No, I didn’t say that. Mom would never lie about something like this. I think Dad’s confused. His mind is clawing for any form of reason it can find. Maybe he’s fixated on Mom because, well, he loves her. Maybe he’s regressed in his mind, and he doesn’t remember we exist. Who knows?”

“So you’re a psychologist now,” Luca says.

“No, but I read a book from time to time.”

“I came here to see if you’d cooled off. Goddamn. We’re breaking ground on the second-biggest stadium in the city. We’re going to make millions from this,tensof millions. It’s the best deal Dad’s ever made. The men are calling him a legend, and all you can do is criticize.”

Luca throws the door open, storms out, and slams it behind him. I don’t bother shouting or chasing him. I let the anger cool off as much as it will. I didn’t want to say any of that. I don’t want to disrespect Dad, but this is getting out of hand.

This is yet another reason I need to delete Scarlet’s number. I can’t afford this complication right now. Even thinking of her as acomplicationmakes me feel like dirt. She means so much more than that.

Picking up the phone, I see I’ve been typing a message from where I left it screen-down. There’s a long series of random letters and numbers. I look at her last message, where she asks if it would be easier to pay them. Moving up to the number, I press it, hover over it, anddelete the thread. I haven’t added her to my contacts yet. I could make this disappear.

Yet, just thinking about it causes a cramp to squeeze my stomach. It’s like the feeling I’ve had before fights, the tingle of instinct. However, this comes from somewhere far, far deeper.

How long did this loan shark give you?

I stare down at the screen. I’m at my private gym, just a block from my apartment. Luca was only able to get in here because he has a key. Otherwise, I’m alone, just Scarlet and me and myphone. If she were here, I wouldn’t be thinking. I’d be stroking her sweet, perfect, wet pussy.

I need to focus on deleting her number, but I can’t do it.

Three days. He said he’d come to me for the payment. Initially, he said it was $32,000, but he didn’t say how to contact him if I got the money early.

I can get you the cash,I reply.But he’s just going to go on and do this to somebody else. I’d rather get my hands on him so he can’t do that. You could help me, Scarlet.

How?she replies.

I walk over to the chairs on the other side of the room. I’m unsure how I’ve gone from convincing myself to delete her number to offering to team up, but here we are. Apparently, it doesn’t matter if I should spend this time working hard to learn as much about the Shanks as possible. And what if Scarlet is right? What if Russel is the loan shark? It would be one hell of a… Orwouldit be a coincidence? I’m not sure who arranged for us to meet at that restaurant—the Family or Russel.

I’ll give you the forty thousand. Then I’ll hide in your apartment on the third day. When the lowlife shows up, I’ll make him regret it.

Why would you do that?she asks.You don’t even know me.

I find myself relieved she’s suspicious. Why, exactly? Because it means she’s ready to protect our futurechildren. How crazy is that? I’m supposed to be a cold, calculating Family man. I can’t answer her honestly. I can’t tell her that nobody gets to threaten her, ever.

It’s bad for business to have innocent people shaken down. You’d be doing me a favor.

Hmm,she texts.

Hmm? You know we’re texting, right, Scarlet? You don’t have to write hmm or umm or uh.

Maybe I wanted you to know I’m slightly skeptical,she replies.What if I’m right and that man earlier was the loan shark? I saw you all laughing together. If you’re working together, maybe you want my address for another reason.

If I was working with him.I have to pause, my hand shaking. It’s the idea that I’d ever hurt Scarlet or eventhinkabout it. I can’t imagine doing that.Then I could just ask him for your address, couldn’t I?

There’s a pause. Three dots appear. I never usually pay attention to that. My phone is for texts concerning business, maybe shooting the shit with Luca. Now, I stare at them, willing her to hurry.

Okay, fair point. I feel a little silly for not thinking of that. Also, maybe there’s another factor I’m not aware of. Perhaps you want to do something to me without him knowing.

That all seems very vague,I reply, not knowing how to handle this. Scarlet can’t believe this about me. Fucking hell. I’ve gone from almost deleting her number to hungrily trying to convince her I want the best for her.

Maybe it is vague, but I can’t be specific about information I don’t have,she sends.I want your help, honestly, but I have to be able to trust you.