Page 83 of Into the Night

“This is a special occasion,” Vanessa said. “We’ll play one round. If you pass, you’re out. If you’re in, well…” She grinned. “Merry Christmas to you lucky few. I hear there’s a room big enough for you all in the back.”

Stella almost dropped her serving tray when she heard that. After she stared wide-eyed at Mitch and Vanessa as if to ask,“Are you guys serious?”she retrieved a few drinks from the bar and brought them to the far side of the sunken pit.

I wish we were serious.Mitch made Vanessa promise that they’d spend some quality time together after tonight because nothing made her need post-scene attention more than getting horny with no payoff. The vibrating underwear was the only concession Vanessa offered that night.Don’t get the fun tiles, don’t get to party with the winner…

Mitch had to remind herself why they were here.To make Candace more vulnerable.

“The really fun part,” Vanessa said while smoothing the top of Mitch’s wig, “is that it doesn’t matter what order we go in. But we’ll spin the bottle to see who gets to go first. How about we go clockwise around the circle after that?”

Thalia brought over one of the empty vodka bottles from the trash. Vanessa placed it in the middle of the circle. As glass clattered against the floor, more than a few women watched it come to a slow stop.

Right on Freida Laakso.

“Ooh, boy.” Freida was slightly pink on the cheek as Mitch crawled toward her with the bag. Even the women who were more than likely to “pass” watched with rapt attention as Mitch presented Freida with the bag, the top open and big enough for a single hand. “I always have to go first during these things.”

“You’re performing a service,” Candace said beside her, destined to go last. “Breaking the ice for anyone who might be too shy to participate.”

Mitch shook the pouch. She propped herself up on the couch, legs askew and hand wrapping around Freida’s knee.Come on, you know little ol’ me.Freida and Mitch went back enough that this should be nothing for either of them. Although Mitch rather hoped that Freida didn’t draw a kissing tile. Mitch preferred not to doallthe work.

Freida stuck her hand in the pouch. “Wow, it’s hot in this bag,” she said.

“Bet that’s not the only hot pouch in this room.”

Everyone laughed at Irene’s joke. Mitch ignored the insinuation.Not like they’re wrong.

Two tiles fell back into the pouch as Freida chose the winner. The text on the tile wasn’t large enough for everyone in the pit to read, but she showed it off to her neighbors to hold herself accountable. Mitch saw it as well.

Here we go.

Mitch pulled herself up toward Freida’s lap, the woman’s leg pulling Mitch’s negligee and straining against her chest. The clamps tugged downward, making Mitch’s lips part as she presented her cleavage to the woman who had drawn“Take a shot off her breasts.”

Thalia lowered a small tray containing a single tequila shot next to Freida. She quipped that it was stronger than what she usually drank, but the merry occasion called for something fun.


Everyone laughed at Thalia’s joke, even Candace, which made the server grin.

“All right, all right.” Freida accepted the saltshaker to mild applause. She rained salt directly onto Mitch’s chest, a sensation that shebarelyfelt.

Thankfully, Freida did not pour a shot of tequila onto the top of Mitch’s cleavage. Instead, she bent her head and took a generous lick starting from the depths of Mitch’s breasts.

Cheering accompanied Freida sitting up and knocking back the shot of tequila. Vanessa tugged the leash until Mitch got the hint. She climbed off Freida’s lap and rattled on all fours toward the next woman.

About half of the guests passed upon reading the tiles they drew. Which amused Mitch, if only because she knew these were the tamest of the party game tiles. Nobody would be invited to finger her, shove her head in their laps, or use a vibrator on her. Instead, the craziest it got was a stranger putting hands on her inner thighs and laughing hysterically when Mitch slightly moaned for the crowd’s amusement. At any other party, this would be half the fun. Helping women, including those who neither ascribed to dominant nor submissive, come out of their shells and express themselves in the safety of a party should have been the highlight of Mitch’s nightlife. Sharing it with her Mistress made it all the more fun.

Yet this wasn’t about her pleasure. This wasn’t about anyone’s pleasure, regardless of what they named the game.

She reached Irene and Helena toward the end. Irene shoved her hand into the pouch with glee, exclaiming how nice it was to feel “at least a dozen” tiles still in there. Helena sidled up next to her and read the tile before Irene had the chance.

“Oooh, my.” Irene presented the tile directly in front of Mitch’s face, although it was for Vanessa’s benefit as well. “Are you sure, sweetheart? It’s such a cute nightgown!”

Mitch straddled Irene’s lap, taking her hand and leading it to one of the clamps. “All I ask is you take these off before you do it.”

“Ofcourse.Safety first!” Irene deftly removed the nipple clamps, allowing them to clatter in her lap. “I get to put them back on afterward, right? That’ll be half the fun.”

Vanessa answered in Mitch’s stead. “If you want. My pet enjoys all forms of pleasure, as you’ll soon see.”

Irene didn’t need more permission. To the delight of the crowd, she ripped Mitch’s black negligee, leaving it in tatters on her body. With her chest exposed to not only Irene, but everyone looking at her, Mitch had to hold back the intense, insatiable urge to escape into the part of her brain that screamed for more. She had to keep her wits about her, and that nearly killed her.