Page 81 of Into the Night

Mitch cocked her head. “I think you meanlet’s party.”

She almost got Vanessa to believe. Almost.

Mitch asked Thalia to help her in the bathroom since Vanessa was distracted by Candace and whatever plan she concocted to make her guests happy. After Thalia quickly ensured that she wouldn’t be missed for a few minutes, she followed Mitch into the water closet, where they closed the door and Mitch reached into Vanessa’s large bag.

“Think it’s a good crowd tonight?” Mitch asked while touching up her makeup.

Thalia remained by the door. “I know most of these ladies by now. Theyalwayslove a good time. I’m sure whatever you and Ms. Richards do will be a hit.” She tapped her chin impatiently. “Whatareyou guys planning?”

“Besides the usual?” Mitch shoved her liquid eyeliner into the bottom of Vanessa’s bag. The leash rattled beneath her hand. “A party game. They may or may not be familiar with it. We’ll see. By the way…” She unbuttoned her coat and prepared to hand it to Thalia for safekeeping. “Why doesn’t Ms. Lister want anyone in the backrooms? That’s one of the few places I can take a break.” When nobody else occupied a room, anyway.

“That’s where she’s storing her gifts for her guests.”

Mitch didn’t ask what those gifts were.

“I need your help.” After passing her coat to Thalia, who slung it over her arm, Mitch was halfway ready. Except she preferred not to put on the rest of her outfit by herself.Ideally, Vanessa would help me.It was usually a romantic gesture to get them in the mood for whatever they were about to do, but Mitch had to make do without her partner right now. Instead, it was the person she felt most sorry for who now held a pair of golden nipple clamps in her hands. “I trust you don’t need me to explain pressure to you.”

“Michelle, come on…”

“I know, nobody loves clamps more than you.” Tonight was a rare night for Thalia to not be sporting her own pair around Club Night.Even though they would be perfect with that outfit.Absolutely nothing left to the imagination, even with an icy blue sheen over her breasts and abdomen. Then again, these two had seen each other naked plenty of times by now.

Mitch placed her hands behind her head as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her black babydoll that she wore beneath her coat was pure lace up top, and when Thalia exclaimed how much she loved it, Mitch offhandedly said she had three others like it at home. She went through them fairly quickly when the scenes trended toward rough.

Like tonight’s might.

“Where do you want these?” Thalia held up the clamps. “Over? Under?”

“Over, please. It’s why the lace is there.”

“I love that these are unpadded…”

Mitch’s eyebrows discovered her hairline as Thalia approached her like she held a defibrillator. “I’m pretty experienced at them by now.” Yet she knew women who had been doing this longer than her who still used “training” clamps because it suited them.

“Me too. I love a pair on a beautiful woman.” She delicately pinched the metal clamps against Mitch’s right nipple. Part of this exercise was watching her facial expressions – the better she controlled them, even when overwhelmed with physical sensations, the better she’d fare tonight. “And you’re really beautiful, Michelle.”

That caught her off guard. Yet Mitch waited to respond until the other clamp was on her left nipple and Thalia had ensured the chain was centered on Mitch’s torso.

“Do you have a crush on me?”

Thalia backed up against the sink, a sheepish look sparkling beneath her eyes. “Long term you’re not my type, obviously, but I can’t help but admire how you are out there. I keep hoping that maybe… well, you know.”

“You’re thinking about that demonstration I put on for Ms. Lister, huh?”

“I do, but that’s not what I mean. I have a little fantasy. Can I tell you?”

Mitch continued to root for what else she needed in the bag. “Of course.”

“You won’t laugh? Promise?”

“I never laugh at a woman’s fantasies.” She found the small black box she was looking for. “Otherwise, everyone would laugh at me.”

“Well…” Thalia was a bit curious about what Mitch held in her hand but didn’t pry. “I imagine us doing it in front of Ms. Lister. Not only here in the club, but like… in her home.”

The way she said that almost sounded sweet. “So, it’s about making her happy?”

“Sure, but I could do it with any woman. I’d love for it to be with you…” Her voice trailed off before Thalia snapped herself back to attention. “Anyway, I think I have my head in the clouds because Ms. Lister has been paying more attention to me lately.”
