Page 28 of Into the Night

She had to say something.

“I hardly felt like I trained her at all. She’s shown me who she really is along the way. All I’ve done is open her up to a world she had always wanted but didn’t think she could have.”

Candace looked directly at Mitch, who had remained wrapped around Vanessa’s arm this whole time. “Is that so? You used to be in the military, didn’t you, Michelle?”

She perked up her head. “I was once a Marine.”

“I’ve heard that once you’re a Marine, you’re always a Marine. What drew you to it?”

Mitch shrugged. “Money. Benefits.” She chuckled. “A desire to be told what to do, even though I was a tough butch who shouldn’t like to be bossed around.”

“You don’t look very butch tonight.”

“We find that it helps her come out of her shell if she’s allowed to pretend to be someone so far away from who she is during the day.” Vanessa answered that on Mitch’s behalf, but not because she desired to talk over her pet.It’s good manners.Candace was looking for a kindred spirit in Vanessa and a source of inspiration in Mitch.If we make ourselves the perfect people to add to her life…They couldn’t risk it otherwise. “You’re unattached, aren’t you?”

That slightly caught the woman off guard, but not enough to put a pause on the conversation. “It’s been a while since I was in a long-term partnership with another, yes, but I keep myself amused.”

The bartender looked up when she heard Candace say that. The nearly-nude hostess glanced over her shoulder. Only the blond in the sheer dress didn’t react.

“May I ask your type?”

Vanessa was surprised to hear Mitch ask that, but Candace was prepared. “I only ask for two things from my long-term partners,” she said over the top of her drink. “A killer look… and unwavering submission to my needs.”

“Perhaps we’re not so unalike,” Vanessa said before Candace continued to stare at Mitch like a lion stalking the Serengeti. “By the time I met my Michelle, I asked for discretion and an ability to follow the rules. Michelle has a funny way of bending those rules to her own whim, but she’s submissive to a fault. It’s a glorious way to make each other happy.”

“You’re a lucky woman, Vanessa. Everyone thinks so.”

“Is that so?”

“Of course. Your pet is a legendary addition to any party. Even my stuck-up friends at my last soiree couldn’t stop talking about how she calls all attention in a room. Every bone in her body is its own exhibitionist. Validation through sexual attention can be a powerful perfume, but it takes averycertain kind of woman to not buckle beneath it after a few years. I’ve seen the scene chew up and ruin lesser women. It seems yours is in it for the long-haul.”

“I do love attention,” Mitch said.

“Suppose that’s one of the reasons I invited you two here by yourselves to start our night.” Candace kicked her leg off the other and leaned forward, her baby-blue nails sparkling against her ruby-red lips. “I have a proposition for the both of you.”

Vanessa’s adrenaline threatened to spike, but with one mellow breath, she kept her blood pressure in check. “Is that so? I had wondered if this was going somewhere interesting.”

Candace grinned. “I’m looking to expand some of my own business right here in Club Night. As it is, I mostly put on private parties for some of my more internationally inclined friends and business associates. They deserve a place to unwind when they visit us in the foggy Bay Area. Also, I use this place to entertain my more distant business associates. They pay good money to be entertained here. In return, I’d like to pay good money to keep them happy so they spend even more money onme.”

Vanessa tilted her head in curiosity. Mitch was already waiting with bated breath.

“I’m well aware that part of your kink is performing across the world at both high-end and normie clubs. You get paid good money by these clubs and organizations to do so, assuming you’re not volunteering for the evening. Oh, and I know you don’t actuallyneedthe money, since you, Vanessa, are so astute with your investments. Again, exchanging money for your sexual thrills is part of the kink. I get it. Which means I get that you won’t willingly hold a residency in a club unless you’re not only being paid well… but I guarantee an audience.”

Is she saying what I think she is?“You’re offering us a residency… where? Here?”

“It’s right in your backyard andveryexclusive,” Candace pitched. “We’ll of course take very good care of you both while on and off the clock as long as you’re on these premises. By that, I mean myself and all of the staff that works for me. I’m sure you’ll get to know them well over the next few weeks.”

Vanessa instinctively squeezed Mitch by the waist. “You haven’t lost my interest, if that’s what you’re afraid of. We’re merely caught off guard. We weren’t expecting a job interview when we arrived tonight.”

“Oh, I hope you’re not upset with me. It was something I came up with since inviting you out tonight. See, the thing is…” Candace was elastic with her own cheek, dancing her fingertips upon such prime real estate that a reddened hue bloomed across her skin. “We need consistent entertainment here. It’s one thing to find some talent here and there when they stroll into town, but why not poach a couple who live not so far away? I’m more than happy to negotiate a fair rate. That’s how keen I am to have you in my arsenal.”

“This sounds like an exclusive contract,” Vanessa said. “If you’re thinking something immediate, that could clash with some of our performances we have over the holiday season. Performances we’ve already signed for.”

“Like I said, we can negotiate the details that work best for you. I’m an easy woman to coax more money out of, not to mention exceptions for your exclusivity. Sounds like those are the terms of your relationship already.”

Mitch squirmed slightly when Vanessa continued to squeeze her. “What kind of performances do you have in mind, exactly?”

“I’m so glad you asked. As you can probably tell from that stage behind you, we run the gamut of stripteases to full BDSM shows, depending on the crowd. Not to mention what the guests themselves get up to when the mood strikes them. For the most part, it would be your discretion what you’d like to do during your allotted time. Besides…” One of those baby blue nails touched the corner of Candace’s mouth. “It’s mostly hiring Michelle that I’m interested in for the entertainment of our guests.”