Page 20 of Into the Night

“Like I said, I’d rather not send in even one civilian into what trained agents should be doing. Unfortunately…”

I don’t like where this is going.

“The police department has a point. You two could easily be charged as well.”

Vanessa’s hands landed on the table. “Excuse me!”

“Does that spike your blood pressure? Come on.” The folder finally flipped open again. Vanessa had a bad feeling about those papers on top. “We havequitethe profile built on you, Ms. Richards. You may cover things up with crypto and overseas accounts but save for a few incidents that took place in international waters, we know of at least eight occasions in which you and Ms. Cruise engaged in the exchange of currency for sexual favors. Now, tell me, before you turn so blue that you pass out… what does a woman like you, who hasso much money already,need with that business?”

Vanessa was rendered speechless for a moment. Mitch was the one who candidly said, “It turns me on when she turns me out.”

“My God, Mitch.” Vanessa melted against the table, her hand disappearing into her mass of curls. “You’re going to be the death of us.”

“What’s the point of lying or holding out?” her partner asked her. “The agent clearly knows everything, although it’s cute she thinks eight is the best it gets. Like I don’t have more stamina or time on my hands.”


For the first time since sitting down, Agent James laughed. “No, please, keep going. Just give me a moment to jot down some notes. It’s fascinating.”

“Look.” Much to Vanessa’s chagrin, Mitch had no intention ofshutting upbefore her partner could call their lawyer. Again. “It sounds like you want to strike a deal. I’m also of the opinion that the police, let alone the FBI, have much more important cases to investigate than the technicalities of what Vanessa and I do in the privacy of our consensual love life and how it’stechnicallyillegal sometimes. Except that’s why you want to keep us on board, isn’t it? You’re offering us a deal because you think we can get in with Candace Lister and get her to spill her operation that has evaded every sniffing nose for however long you’ve been investigating. Because even I’ve never heard of such a thing, although I’m sure I know people who do.”

Vanessa had nothing to add to that. Much of that was what she had been thinking, too.

Agent James was serious again. “You’re right. I personally have no interest in getting involved in your personal life for the sake of making a cheap bust. I want to go after the criminals ruining other people’s lives. From what we understand, Ms. Lister’s victims had no idea what they were signing up for. We’re not merely talking about her underground brothel full of suspected trafficked victims from all parts of the country and beyond. We are also trying to track down a witness who we believe was ‘sold off’ to a buyer to be his bride. Unfortunately, this occurred overseas, so it’s been difficult to investigate.”

Vanessa shook her head. Mitch groaned. “Lovely,” she said.

“I’m assuming you two are not as much intothatkind of roleplay.”

“Not to be dramatic,” Vanessa said in her most deadpan way, “but I’d rather die than evenpretendto sell my Michelle off to be someone’s bride. Let alone a man.”

“I think I’d hate it less, honestly,” Mitch said.

“So, you see why we’re willing to reach an agreement in exchange for your cooperation in this investigation. I highly doubt that you want to be bothered by legal troubles as much as I want to waste time onyou two.I don’t give a rat’s radiated ass what you two consensually do behind closed doors with other people for your own excitement, but I’m not above swinging a bat at someone’s knees if it gets me what I want in the bureau. And I want to take down Candace Lister. The more evidence, the better. Which is why you two wouldn’t be sent in alone.”

Vanessa held her breath. “That only reassures me a bit.”

“The other two who are ready to go in once we give the signal are professionals, and I know them personally. One is even ex-military. Although I don’t believe she was a Marine.”

“I don’t think we can get along, then,” Mitch said. “It’s in some contract somewhere.”

Agent James shook her head in amusement. “Of course, you can’t go in unless invited. It ruins the whole investigation if at any point Ms. Lister thinks you’re working for us and not out of your own interests.”

“There’s not much we can do about that if she doesn’t invite us to her club,” Vanessa said.

“Quite. Which is why I’m willing to give a short grace period for her to contact you. Or for you to ingrain yourselves into her world a bit more. I don’t intend to move against you two unless there’s no show of good faith to help out the bureau’s investigation. Do you understand?”

Vanessa gritted her teeth. “I don’t appreciate these legal threats, and I will absolutely be talking to our lawyer about this.”

“Do so. Feel however you want, while you’re at it. Quite frankly, I don’t care if you like it or not, Ms. Richards. I care about the victims of Candace Lister’sallegedhuman trafficking ring and bringing the woman in question to justice. Play this right, and she’ll have no idea that you two were ever involved.”

The silence made Vanessa uncomfortable. Mitch was the only one who knew what to say. “These professional undercover agents…” she began. “Are they our bodyguards? Because I know how to take care of myself. And of Vanessa, while we’re at it. I often work in the capacity of her bodyguard when we’re out among the peoplewecall civilians.”

“They are also gathering any evidence they can find, but yes, they are trained to intervene. See, with the nature ofyourwork, it would be easy for you to fall into water deeper than you are tall. We can’t risk sending in two civilians, no matter who they were in previous lives. I only feel better about this if you’re being watched by two competently trained individuals who know how to respond in any situation. So, forgive me, but while I’m sure you’re an excellent bodyguard in your own right, you’re not in a position to play that part.”

Mitch sat back with a slight air of respect hanging over her.How can she be so chill about this?Vanessa was still ready to slap Agent James across the face fordaringto suggest that Mitch might land in jail for doing as she desired in what should have been absolute privacy.I don’t expect anyone to understand what we do, but good God, why use it against us?Vanessa thought she had been careful. She was alwayscareful…

Then again… she had allowed her would-be killer to get scarily close to her…