“Please, it’s the least I can do for being a terrible tipper. Besides, I’ve seen you checking me out these past few months, Paige. Let me throw you a solid since you’re married and all.”

“I have not…!”

Carmen held a finger to her lips. “Don’tworryabout it. Look but don’t touch, right?”

Was this what it felt like to be Rhea? Blushing all the damn time?

“You’re cool,” Carmen said. “Your wife is probably cool. You two could use a hot afternoon to catch up and reconnect. Or relax in the Jacuzzi for a few hours. Who will know? The only cameras in that room are the ones I set up and take down when I leave!”

Paige couldn’t believe it – she was laughing at the dumbest joke she heard all day.

Chapter 29

Iftherewasonething that triggered Rhea’s soft spot of pity, it was the look on her father’s face when someone had to help him into bed.

Most nights, he was fine. Danny was to the point that he could push himself around the house and take up whatever furniture he desired. He spent most of the day either at the kitchen table or a big armchair in the living room. A nurse would keep an eye on him as he rolled himself back to the bathroom and returned with a look that said,“Hey, I didn’t die. How about that?”

Yet there were nights when he didn’t have the energy to get himself into bed. He could put on his pajamas and brush his teeth, but pulling back the covers and climbing in for the night? He needed his daughter’s help, and that was the most awkward thing of all.

“Doctor says he might be able to move back home in another month,” Rhea said while sitting on her own bed. Paige was in the bathroom, flossing and removing her beauty mask. “Everything’s looking really good. Although…”

“Hm?” Paige grunted.

“It’s weird. We had this whole conversation yesterday about what the future looked like for him. I had to broach the idea of selling his bungalow and moving into an assisted living facility. He didn’t say anything negative about it at all.”

“I’d think your dad would throw a big enough fit that he’d have another heart attack.”

Rhea snorted in agreement. “I think the last heart attack got to him. He knows he can’t stay here forever, and he knows he can’t live alone forever. I think he’s scared of what could happen in the middle of the night too. Doctor said he got really lucky that the nurse found him not so long after he passed out. It could’ve been bad, Paige.”

She spat into the bathroom sink. “I know.”

“Times like these I wish I had a sibling or two to split the responsibility with, but that wasn’t in the cards for my parents.” Rhea sighed into her pillow before changing subjects. “What’s taking you so long in there? I’m the one who shaves her upper lip.”

Paige peeked through the bathroom door. “I’m getting ready for bed.” She leaned one arm against the doorframe, the buttons on her long-sleeved pajama top hanging open. She was not wearing anything else, and Rhea could not pry her eyes away from the soft skin leading her gaze right to her wife’s dark blond pubic hair.

“The view is even better when I turn around.” Paige did exactly that, giving her wife an eyeful of an ass that spent a lot of time at the gym.

“Sure is,” Rhea said with a slight whistle.

She half-expected – and even anticipated – her wife to climb into bed with a Cheshire grin in the night.I might be up for it, finally.Rhea felt terrible that she was turning down Paige’s advances lately, but she couldn’t help it.I’m so tired. So freaked out over my dad.Slowly, things were improving and Rhea felt more herself. In a couple more weeks, she might be ready for another weekend at an isolated lake!

When Paige finally got into bed, it was with her sleep mask on and a firm grip on the covers. She said good night and turned over away from Rhea – but not before backing up her bare ass right into her wife’s stomach.

“Tease,” Rhea muttered.

Paige lifted her head long enough to say, “Huh?”


Rhea shouldn’t have been so surprised that her wife promptly fell asleep. She supposed that’s what she got, though.

On Sunday, Rhea got up later than usual and discovered her wife was about to leave.

“A nurse is coming this afternoon, right?” she asked Rhea, who was still confused. “Cool. Do you think you could meet me somewhere later? Downtown?”

“What on Earth is Downtown?” Rhea asked with a yawn. “Where are you going?”

A rueful grin knocked Rhea over. “I’ve got a surprise for us. I think you’ll like it.”