“Maybe I want to know what you’re thinking about when left in your office,” Paige continued. “Maybe we could make some of those fantasies come true.”

She never knew if Rhea heard that. Someone had cut her off at a light, and that was that.

“Where have you mentally been this past hour?” Carmen Coyote, who still came to the gym at least once a week to train with Paige, had become more confident in her relentless teasing of the only woman on the whole block who went as crazy as the guys for the adult film star.I’ve never seen one of her videos, and I never will.Even if Carmen quit showing up that week, Paige didn’t need her attraction to transform into something wholly inappropriate. Yet that didn’t stop Carmen from teasing her – and Paige letting herself be teased. “Every time I wait for you to tell me what to do next, you’re spacing off. You’re like this one director I worked with who was so high all the time the monkeys were running the set.” Carmen laughed. “Me. I was the monkey. I basically directed those films.”

“I’m sorry,” Paige apologized. “Personal stuff. I told you that my father-in-law has moved in with us for a while, yeah? Recovering from another heart attack.”

“Oh, my. Hope he’s feeling better.”

Carmen hopped off her machine and prepared to hit the showers.God, sounds like the kind of story Rhea writes.Every time Paige felt guilty for snooping, she experienced the renewed vigor of a woman determined to do something with the information. She simply didn’t know what!

“He’s doing better. We don’t know when he’ll be well enough to move back to his place.”

They entered the women’s locker room together. As usual, they were the only ones there. Paige took her spot on the bench that allowed her to engage in conversation without watching her client change clothes. Or, in Carmen’s case, strip down to a towel before she took a shower.

“Must be hell on your marriage.”

Paige was not expecting that. It was enough to make her look at Carmen, who had stripped off her sports bra. Paige looked away again before she embarrassed them both. “Definitely has cut down on the number of dates we go on as a couple.”

Carmen gasped. “That’s terrible!”

“I take it you’ve never had a sick parent that’s had to move in with you or your partner?”

“Ah, no. I suppose it can’t be helped. Do you guys have a nurse who comes by?”

“Sure, during the day. Sometimes on the weekend.” Paige leaned back against a row of empty lockers. “So she can work.”

She opened her eyes to see Carmen standing before her in nothing but a thin towel. It was not strong enough to contain the vast number of curves about to pop out.

“I know what you need.” Carmen held up a finger to stop Paige from interrupting. “Now, hear me out, because I am the biggest advocate for lesbians getting their groove on with their wives. I don’t know if you’ve seen my movieCheating Butch 2,but that’s like… the whole five-minute plot of that film.”

“Cheating Butch, huh?” Paige parroted.

“Anyway…” Carmen grabbed her phone out of her opened locker and flicked through pictures. “I’ve got this hotel suite on standby every other week. You know, for work. Do you want it this weekend? I’m not using it. It’s sucking up my money. I’ve gotta go out of town.”

Paige could hardly believe what she was hearing. “Huh?”

Carmen showed her the pictures on her phone. They looked like semi-professional shots of a swanky hotel suite overlooking Downtown Los Angeles. Not exactly the most romantic place in the area, but Paige knew a good skyline view when she saw it.

“I rent it out every other Sunday afternoon,” Carmen continued. “You get a good bargain for an afternoon rate if you know who to ask. Anyway, you can have it for like six hours, I think. Noon and dinnertime. More than enough time for me to stream in a place with a nice view.”


“They clean it between every visit, duh. Besides, I ain’t doing anything in there millions of others haven’t.”

Paige handed Carmen back her phone. “I don’t know what to say. That’s quite the offer.”

“You really should take me up on it. There’s a Jacuzzi. Highly recommended.”

“You’re saying it’s availablethisSunday afternoon?”

“Uh-huh. It’s already been paid for. Normally they let me cancel with enough notice, but this is a last-minute gig that pays well up in Vegas. Can you believe it? Rich people will hire you to be naked at their parties.”

Paige pretended she hadn’t heard that. “We couldn’t possibly. It’s in your name…”

“It’s in mycompany’sname. Mine. I get to say who uses it, not my agent. If I put you and your partner on the list, you’ll get a key.”

“It does feel a bit weird to accept that kind of gift from a client.”