I’m getting blitzed every time I come here.Maybe they weren’t supposed to smuggle outside food and drink, regardless of what was in it, but it wouldn’t stop her from having a hit before leaving the car. Just enough to be loose and into the moment. She swore.

In this case, she might have bitten off more than she could chew.

Whoa.Almost falling into her seat was the funniest thing that ever happened. Now that the throuple of Jocie, Loren, and Maya had flitted off elsewhere, Rhea was the only one to keep an eye on Paige. When she looked up into her wife’s eyes, the marijuana hit her with so much guilt that she blurted, “I’m sorry! I had no idea you were writing sexy stuff!”

It took Rhea a moment to realize what Paige was talking about. “Don’t worry about it,” she coolly said. “It’s something I’ve done for fun. Takes some work coming up with scenarios for Miss Prima Donna Power Bottom.”

Paige wrapped her arms around Rhea’s shoulders and squeezed her until gasps for breath turned into heady giggles. “You come up with some of the best, too,” she purred against Rhea’s throat. “Don’t suppose you have anything fun lined up for tonight?”

“Can’t say I do.”

Any other night and Paige might have pouted. Tonight, though, she was too high on the moment – and other things – to care. “I want to read your tawdry stories. Are they about me?”

“Not exactly.”

“Come on.” Paige tapped her fingertip against Rhea’s cheek. “You can tell me. Maybe I like the idea of you writing porn about your wife. You know, the woman who you’ve been fucking like an animal as of late.”

Paige truly had no complaints as of late. Surely, it was what Rhea had always wanted, too.We’re having more sex than ever before.At least twice a week, which was a new record! If it happened more often? It was a delicious quickie early in the morning or right after work, in those moments between walking through the door and making dinner.Sometimes while making dinner…The first time Rhea surprised her with sex right against the counter next to a pot of boiling noodles, Paige swore they had never been more spontaneous.

And as long as the unknown kept coming for her, Paige was into it. She didn’t even mind the purely vanilla nights after a long evening of cuddling on the couch. Rhea was like a renewed woman when she got beneath the covers – and Paige had never been more attracted to her.

She wanted more weekends like the Fourth of July at a remote cabin. She wanted more sharing of their fantasies. If reading Rhea’s dirty stories meant learning more about what made her sexuality tick, then Paige was all for it.Tell me what kind of sick and twisted shit is in your head. Maybe we can make it happen!

Was it too much to ask that right now?


“Twisted?” Rhea waved her off with nary a kiss to the knuckles. “I wouldn’t call anything I writetwisted.It’s silly fantasies.”

“I want to know all your fantasies.” Paige couldn’t stop touching this bouncy cheek that beguiled her with every pore. “I’ll tell you mine.”

“You’ve been a font of inspiration lately, this is true.”

While a whole bachelorette party erupted on the dancefloor, complete with hoots and whistles, Paige drank a large breath and exhaled all over Rhea’s head.Totally my finest moment!“I want you to take me right here. In front of all these people.”

“I don’t think we’re allowed to do that in this room.”

“Fiiiine. Then in the other room. Ooh. Maybe we could go home with your friends.”

“Come on.” Rhea snorted, her incredulity duly noted. “That’s silly.”


“They wouldn’t be interested, for one thing.”

“So you get to know what they’re like in bed, but I don’t?”

“That was when we were teenagers. It’s been almost twenty years, Paige.”

Well! That wasn’t very fair, now was it? Paige couldn’t quite put her finger onwhyit wasn’t fair, but she blamed that on the substances in her body. While those substances made her feelgreat,they also amplified everything coursing from her heart to her brain. Everything was turned up to max.

“Sooo…” Paige flopped onto the far end of the loveseat, her legs dangling apart and one of her boobs threatening to pop out of her plunging neckline. She had forgotten to include the fashion tape before leaving the house. “Here I am. Left to my own devices.”

“You’re a bit high, hon,” Rhea apologetically said. “It’s probably not a good idea to do something too crazy. If you want, we could go dance…”

Except Paige didn’t want todance.She wanted to explore what every fiber of her being was screaming about! “It’s cool.” She popped back up, hair jostled on her head. “I’m going to the bathroom. Maybe get another drink. You want anything?”

Rhea shook her head. “You’re gonna be annoyed at me for saying this, but I don’t think you should have more alcohol.”