
Still don’t get the game.But Paige wanted to play.

Rhea heaved a sigh of relief when they reached the cabin. After four hours of driving, she was ready to be done with it for a couple more days. Particularly if her reward was the dazzling view of one of California’s most secluded lakes.

And the woman standing in front of it.

“Do you smell that fresh air?” Paige held her hair out of her face as a breeze kicked up. “It’s so unlike the sea breeze back home.”

Doesn’t smell like wildfire, either.Rhea didn’t say that out loud. She didn’t want to put that thought in her wife’s head. Not if she was enjoying herself. “I figured some fresh air would do us some good. You’re not the only one running herself a bit ragged back home.”

Paige’s curious gaze lingered on her wife. “Have another deadline for your publisher?”

“Not quite. Taking time off to figure out what project I want to tackle next.” Rhea hadn’t told Paige about her erotic endeavors. It wasn’t that she was embarrassed by them. If anything, she looked forward to putting them out there for the world to enjoy.Maybe I’ll self-publish it.As long as she was writing something completely different under a pen name, she could do whatever she wanted. Secretly? The world would be her oyster.

Except she kinda liked having this all to herself. Her editor didn’t know. Her readers didn’t know. Paige definitely didn’t know. It was the sweetest secret Rhea ever had.

Paige gazed back out over the water. “It’s so peaceful here. I thought it would be way busier this weekend.”

“I picked this one on purpose. I wanted us to have some decent privacy.”

“Remember our honeymoon on Tahoe?” Paige turned her whole body toward her wife, a smile on her lips. “We barely left our hotel room, but when we did, we had a pretty good time.”

“Anytime we weren’t eating or in bed, we were on the Nevada side playing the slots.”

“Well, yeah. We wanted money.”

“A dollar went a lot farther back then. Imagine us being like that now.”

“Listen to you, sounding like a grandma.”

“I feel like one sometimes.”

Paige nudged her. “You definitely do not look like one. We’re plenty young still.”

Rhea took that to heart as they brought the rest of their belongings into the two-bedroom cabin overlooking the water. The kitchen was stocked with basics like cooking oil, butter, and seasonings, but it was up to them to bring their food for the weekend. The nearest town, let alone the grocery store, was five miles away. Undoubtedly they would eat out at least once, but Rhea had planned on them cooking much of their food out here in the middle of nowhere, far away from their computers and with only mild reception for their phones. Already, Rhea eyed some of the board games and puzzles on the cabin’s shelves.

They played one of those games while eating a dinner of spaghetti and steamed vegetables.

“Careful not to get any sauce on the cards,” Paige gently chided her wife while they ate with one hand and played with the other. “I can imagine whoever owns this place finding out and charging you for the privilege.”

Rhea drew a card and moved her piece accordingly. “I don’t think anyone will notice for a few months. This box hadn’t been opened in a while.” Based on the number of dead flies they found in it, anyway. Still didn’t stop them from having a rousing game night at a lakeside cabin. “Which is weird. This place was billed as a big family spot.”

Shrugging, Paige took her turn in between bites of food. “Maybe the families that come here are all about the boating and fishing. You know, things we couldn’t care less about.” She made her move. “If you’re not outdoorsy, you read and play board games. Or talk to people.”

“Let’s not get too crazy,” Rhea said.

Paige peered at her wife from over her cards. “I’ve always been fond of talking to you.”

“Is that why you married me?” Rhea moved her piece closer to the finish line. “Because you like talking to me?”

“And other things.”

Rhea knew exactly what her wife was getting at but pretended she was ignorant. “What other things?”

Paige put her hands in her lap, forgoing eating and playing games to formulate her next thought. “I like your cooking.”
