“That should do it.” Rhea pushed the bullet beneath Paige’s underwear and left it nestled between nub and entrance, neither striking Paige where her iron was hottest nor where she would be driven craziest. She attempted to withstand the onslaught of vibrations as she waited for Rhea to “get ready,” but it wasn’t working – before her wife climbed onto the bed, Paige cried out in delight as one set of vibrations went straight to her clit and the other dove deep into her core. Every part of her was alight with the furious fires ofget inside of me and love me.

Instead, she was already coming by the time Rhea sat next to her and watched.

I hope you’re enjoying this, hon… because I sure am.Paige would love it more if a naked woman was on top of her, preferably going to town between two hungry thighs, but Paige would take what she could get right now. What shegotwas Rhea grabbing her by one leg before bending down to flick her tongue against Paige’s nipple.

“Jesus!” Paige cried out. “You trying to kill me?”

“Yes,” was all Rhea said while the bullet continued to buzz. By now, it had slipped down Paige’s slit and lodged itself inside of her. Paige gave up keeping her hands above her head. The fuzzy handcuffs clanked as she absentmindedly pushed Rhea’s hands away and buried her face in the pillow, blindfold pushing up her forehead. “Maybe I enjoy watching you go crazy.”

Paige was saved from the bullet, but only because Rhea showed her a hint of mercy. When it shut off, the bedroom was eerily quiet. All Paige heard was the beating of her heart.

“You know, it’s been a while.” Rhea didn’t give her wife time to rest.To be fair, I didn’t ask for any.Paige wasd t f,and if she didn’t do more of the “f” soon, she might completely lose the moment as it turned to dust between her fingers.I don’t want it slipping away.She wanted her wife. She wanted Rhea. “Since I last completely buried my face in you.”

Like Rhea didn’t give Paige time to rest, she likewise refused to let her wife respond to that assertion.Yeah, it’s been a while.That was all Paige had the mental fortitude to think before she felt her wife’s face right on her pussy.

“Uhn!” Paige had never sounded so inhuman as her body went from technological stimulation to human. She usually didn’t like oral sex sodirectlyon her clit, but when she was already loosened up and made to feel like the used towel tossed into the hamper after a long night in bed?It doesn’t matter anymore, does it?There was a tongue inside of her, and the best Paige could do was slam both hands on top of Rhea’s head and feel her short hair tangle.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Rhea grabbed Paige’s hips before they traveled any farther up the bed. “I’m not done with my dessert yet.” The words were barely out of her mouth before her tongue darted back into Paige, who completely gave herself over to the woman who now owned her soul.

The crazy thing wasn’t that Paige was still going – it was thatRheawas still going, playing along with the moment, never letting another breath or kiss go to waste. It reminded Paige, when she had the wherewithal to remember, of the earliest days of their relationship, when there were never enough moments to steal between the two of them. Domestication had sobered up their sex life, but it hadn’t dulled the memories.

Paige was still too fresh from her battery-induced orgasm to go again so quickly, yet there was Rhea, gasping for breath as she dragged her tongue up the length of her wife’s sensitive slit and made her spiral toward insanity.

And she still wasn’t done with her. Paige was left to crumple on the bed, her body screaming at her to take a break, to calm downa bit,but she still yearned to learn what else Rhea had in mind for them that night. She needed itnow.

“I like your hands cuffed in front of your chest,” Rhea mused as she got her hips into position. Yes, that was the strap-on Paige had teased about earlier, andnoshe was not ready, not that it would stop them from giving it their all. “Makes it look like you’re praying for me to keep going.” As the strap-on thumped against Paige’s mound, she uncurled her fingers, refusing to give in to the image Rhea painted. “Is that right?” A kiss imbrued with Paige’s scent hit her cheek as Rhea soon spoke right into her wife’s ear. “You want me to keep going? You want me to fuck you like you’re tonight’s prize?”

“Oh, my God,” Paige squeaked in disbelief. “You’re unbelievable right now.”

“Am I?” Rhea urged the tip of the strap-on toward Paige’s opening, still ready, still willing to go. “Because I think you’re the unbelievable one. You take it pretty damn good,baby.”

She threw that word right back in Paige’s face.She’s right…Paige whimpered as the strap-on slid so easily into her. There was a moment when nothing was inside of her. Now? She didn’t know how else to live.I never call her “baby” unless I’m putting on a show.Like tonight.

Except this wasn’t a show. This was Paige Powell getting exactly what she asked for when she reembraced the heathen within her.

When was the last time she threw herself so readily into a moment like this? When was the last time Rhea fucked her with such crazy vigor?

When was the last time Paige felt thisalivewith the woman with whom she pledged her love?

“Oh…!” Paige didn’t need the blindfold. Her eyes naturally slammed shut as Rhea drove into her, testing the very limits of a woman she should have known so naturally. “Fuck,yes!Don’t stop!”

She heard the heavy breaths in her wife’s chest. She felt the sweat accumulating against their skin. And she witnessed the harried way Rhea thrust forward, her body nowhere near as physically fit as her wife’s, regardless of how much Paige tried to change that over the years.

It didn’t matter now. Rhea was giving it her all. She was going to make them both happy tonight, regardless of how it made her body feel in the morning.

Paige was incapable of climaxing again. She was merely a plaything, a conduit for her wife’s pleasure.

It wasamazing.

She impatiently waited for the moment when she heard – and felt – her wife climax. It was in the way her thrusts became more arrhythmic, her voice coarser, and her body still as it collapsed on top of the woman who was more than happy to welcome her into waiting arms.

Paige didn’t know about Rhea, but that was some of the best sex they had inyears.It had only taken, at most, fifteen minutes.

Maybe they were really on to something here.

Chapter 15

“Herbodywaslikea flower on the verge of blooming: too delicate to touch, but with so much potential about to burst forth and conquer the garden. If only people knew that…”