“Wecouldget out the strap-on…” she mused.

Paige fell forward, hands bracing against their bed. “We sure could.”

“You know it doesn’t take much to keep me going.” Rhea was still blushing, as if they didn’t candidly talk about their sexual physiology all the time. “But you? Think you could keep it up the whole time?So to speak?”

“Actually…” Paige stood back up, hands on her hips. “You’re the one who has to keep it up,so to speak.”

Rhea slowly nodded. “I figured as much.”

What’s that mean?Paige almost asked but didn’t want to ruin the mood – not if Rhea was on board to have some fun tonight.Who am I kidding? She’s always in the mood!That was one thing Paige loved about her wife. But, if she thought too deeply about it, she soon realized that was probably a source of their fizzling sex life.If I know I can have it whenever I want, it doesn’t put a lot of fire under my ass to go get it.It wasn’t like when she was in college, having to seduce a new girlfriend every few months to keep the weekly sexcapades going. Because if anyone thought Paige Powell was getting itevery night of the weekin between finals and extracurriculars… well, people were kidding themselves. It never shook out that way, not even for the biggest “slut” on campus.

I’m feeling that energy again.As Paige crawled onto the bed, feet kicking up behind her while she overturned the box and sorted through the last of the papers and brochures, she grinned to imagine what she and her wife might get up to before the night was over.

Assuming Rhea remained game, of course.

Chapter 14

Paigedidn’tknowwhatto expect, and that was what made this sohot.

“I’m ready whenever you are,” she purred to no one since she had no idea if Rhea was even in the bedroom with her. “You there?”

Something thumped on the side of the room. “One moment. This needs untangling.”

Paige shifted her whole body where she lay on their bed, the blindfold on her face and her wrists handcuffed above her head. Their solid headboard didn’t allow Rhea to clasp the handcuffs to it, but Paige promised to be a good girl and keep her hands over her head.Or you could cuff them behind my back.Whatever Rhea wanted!

“At this rate, I might need that bullet after all.” Paige still anticipated whatever her wife had in store for her, but it was taking a while to get to the main event.Can I get a kiss, at least?Paige imagined Rhea straddling her, lowering her lips for an enchanting kiss that was sure to keep them both buzzed. Or maybe that was Paige’s body telling her stories again. “Do you wanna hook a girl up?”

“Oh… sure.” Another thump. Paige sensed her wife’s presence nearby, long before the bottom nightstand drawer opened. “Does this thing need new batteries? When was the last time it was used? I hope the batteries haven’t corroded …”

Give me a break.If Paige wasn’t handcuffed and blindfolded already, she would be doing most of this herself. At least she’d have Rhea on top of her, maybe giving it to her good…

The bullet buzzed to life. Paige bit her bottom lip in anticipation.

“Where you gonna put that thing, Ms. Mendez?”

Did Paige feel silly asking that with such a faux-husky voice?Yes.Like right out of a cheap porno, not that Paige had anything against those… but it wasn’t usuallyher.Not until she tried some roleplay on for size.

“I do believe I’m about to put it in your underwear, Ms. Powell.”

Rhea could have said that with moreoomph,but Paige wasn’t any less turned on. She loved that her wife’s hand was soon between her legs, pressing against her underwear and “threatening” to pull them off if she so much as squirmed too hard.Do it. I dare you.Arousal had never come so easily to Paige, a woman who had been sexually dormant for far too long.

While Rhea may have been new to some of the kinkier forms of sex, she was a seasoned pro at stimulating her wife. Which sent Paige straight to pleasantly chuffed, a state she so rarely inhabited these days. “Touch me like that,” she whispered, back arching and hands slowly drifting down toward her face. The fuzzy black material encasing the plastic cuffs tickled her nose, but she didn’t sneeze. Not when there was so much on the line already.

“You like that, huh?”

“Yes,” Paige squeaked, thighs jerking open as soon as her wife’s finger delicately touched the sweet spot that sent her straight to the stars. “Damn, you find my clit fast.”

“I know where it is. It’s also not very well hidden.”

You might be surprised.One of the reasons Paige had always been so “top” in her college relationships was because it was the only way to secure her pleasure. Try as some of her girlfriends might, many were either too shy or toolazyto make her die in the best ways.

“I want more ofthat,” Paige said as soon as Rhea teased her wife’s opening. “Get on top of me and fuck me good, baby.”

Rhea pulled her hand away. “The power bottom strikes again,” she mused. “You know I’m not ready yet. Guess I’ll have to preoccupy you with something else.”

“Whatever you give me, I’ll love.”

Paige knew exactly what she was getting, and she wasn’t disappointed when the bullet buzzed to life again – this time directly on her underwear. Paige jolted upward, hands crashing into the headboard as she responded to the overwhelming sensations with full force.