The young woman put her hands on her hips. “It’s your last chance to take me home,” she said to both Paige and Rhea, one of them more surprised than the other. “Or take me here. It’s couple’s choice.”

Paige laughed, her heated cheeks perfectly matching her own dress. The two couldn’t have been more unalike – for while this girl boldly approached the married couple after they were finished fooling around, something about her screamed that she lacked the proper confidence to handle this situation. Rhea had seen it before, after all.There’s no way she’s older than twenty.She wouldn’t ask to see the fake ID, though. Nor would she report the young woman to the club. Technically, the age restriction was for the easy access to alcohol, not the sex. Yet one thing was true for both Paige and Rhea, two womenwayold enough to be here.

“You’re a bit young for us.” Paige finally closed her wrap dress and loosely tied it on her hip. “Don’t worry. It’s not because you’re not cute.”

Rhea was still in shock.Who is this woman?Definitely not her wife. Paige? Not only performing like this in public but talking so directly to a young woman who was interested in themlike that?

“Sorry.” That was all Rhea thought to say. “What’s your name?” Great. Becausethatwasn’t awkward. If Paige divorced her for this moment, Rhea wouldn’t blame her.

The woman backed away, her disinterested smile not fooling anyone. “Helena,” she said. “Maybe I’ll see you around.”

Paige waited until she was gone before speaking to her wife. “How about that? She’s a kid in a candy store here.”

“Does she have the nickels to make a purchase?”

“Write that into one of your stories.”

“You know I don’t write stories like…” Rhea stifled an unsexy guffaw. “This.”

“Maybe you should. Start up an erotica name, like R. Mendez or, you know…”

Rhea arched her eyebrow, waiting.

“Rhiannon Powell.”

Although Rhea brushed her off for that, the thought didn’t leave her mind for the rest of the night. In between making out with her wife for a few more minutes and heading home to bed – where Paige continued to be flirty, seductive, and cheerful until the drinks caught up to her and she fell asleep – Rhea toyed with the idea of taking her hobby writing in a new direction.

Rhiannon Powell, Erotica Author.Maybe there was something to that.

Chapter 10

Dr.Sevillealmostchokedto hear that Paige and Rhea had peeked ahead on the homework. But, she admitted, it was on her for sending them home with the whole packet.

“You did it on purpose,” Paige accused the couple’s therapist, albeit not with an aggressive tone. “You were testing us. That’s what I figured.”

A sly smile may have given away Dr. Seville’s true motives, but she still said, “To be fair, very few couples look that far ahead, let alone jump right to trying one of those things.”

Rhea held up a finger to speak. “I don’t think ‘sex club’ was on Tier Three. That sounds like a Tier Two thing.”

Ultimately, it didn’t matter what tier it was on. The conversation was centered on the recent breakthrough in the relationship, particularly where they were more concerned – the bedroom. In the days since going to Hellfire, things remained tepid on the romantic front, but Rhea was patient. She had seen a side of her wife she never knew existed. It had come so hot and fast that Rhea was grateful for some downtime with no sexual expectations afterward.I’m still trying to process the woman I witnessed.Let alone the woman she fucked…

Because, the more she thought about it, that had not been classiclovemaking.Nor did the word “sex” aptly fit what they had done in front of a tiny audience without a care in the world.That was stone-cold fucking.Rhea always blushed to think of it. So rarely had she experienced something like that in her life. Her experiences in love before Paige were not as exciting as her wife’s.I’m not really like that. I think?Paige hadn’t brought it up since that night, but Rhea was observant – weren’t all writers supposed to be? Paige had openly browsed a website about BDSM right in front of her wife. She was caught rooting through the sex toy drawer under the guise of,“We should get rid of some of this stuff we’re never using again,”yet not with the brutal indication that they weren’t havinganysex again.She’s up to something. I don’t know what, but…

Rhea would find out in due time, she supposed.

“How are you feeling after your big night out last week?”

It took Rhea a moment to realize that Dr. Seville was askingher,specifically. Rhea was forced to look up from her plain nails and pretend to think about the event academically: an impossible feat, when her wife was right there.Back in a T-shirt and yoga pants.Paige looked great in anything, but it was no braless wrap dress. Because, no, Rhea couldn’t get that image out of her head. When she wasn’t lovingly reliving every second, she was analyzing what had changed in her wife – and why Paige was so thirsty to ride that night to completion.The woman I married would not stand there naked and have a conversation with someone young enough to be her daughter… let alone right after I… you know…Perhaps not, but the Paige from college? The one who existed and matured before going out with Rhea?

Was this the resurgence of the biggest slut on campus?

“It took me a bit by surprise,” she answered truthfully. “I wasn’t expecting it.”

“Are you surprised as well, Paige?”

Rhea’s wife fussed with her watch before answering. “I went along with the flow. If there’s anything I’ve learned about myself, it’s that if I’m suddenly in the mood, I should try to embrace it.”

“You mean in the mood for sex?”