“I’ve always wanted to fuck you like this,” he whispered against my neck. “Driving you into a wall, watching my cock slide inside you.” He gripped my ass with one hand and he guided his cock into my pussy with the other. “Right into your dripping wet pussy.” With that last sentence, he entered me in one smooth motion, driving me up the wall like he said. My god, he was big. I was full. Too full. I felt a ripping pain inside me that made me recoil and stiffen. My moan was not one of pleasure but of pain as he thrust again. “What the fuck?”
It was too painful to respond, and I felt grateful when he stopped moving.
“Are you still…”
I nodded.
He started to withdraw, but I held him still. “No.” my words were chocked. “Don’t stop.”
“Not like this.” He looked pained and conflicted, as if some previously held misconception of his was being shattered.
“It’s fine.” My hands went to his buttocks, and I pushed him further inside me.
He groaned. “I can’t be your first.”
“I don’t care. I want you.” I kissed him and he immediately took control of the kiss and he drove into me a little more.
“It’s not right.” He said, sounding less convinced with himself. His strokes were slow and a little shallow, and as I adjusted to his girth, the deeper he penetrated. The more he moved, the better I was feeling. “You’re Nico’s,” he said against my neck.
“And yours,” I replied. “According to the contract I’m—“ I moaned, this time with pleasure as he pushed in deeper and began thrusting in and out again and again. His tongue played the same beat as his cock, making it that much intoxicating. When the pain subsided, a new pleasure took its place. It was like nothing I had felt before. His lips went from lips to my neck as he increased his pace. His thrusts becoming faster and more irregular. I felt him reach his hand between us and he rubbed my clit like he did in the club, but this time it was much more arousing. I could feel the pinnacle of ecstasy slowly building and, in a few strokes, I went over the cliff and screamed his name. “Rico,” he said, thrusting into me. “Call me Rico.” Before, clenching and jerking as he came.
I HAVE NEVER come so hard in my life. Sex was always something I did because it felt good and because I like it. I was never obsessed with it like some people are. Whenever I was with a woman, I never experienced the complete absorption that some people have described. Until tonight. Until Freya. Being with her was the first time I’ve ever felt completely consumed with someone. Never has the act of sex felt like I was being lifting into heaven. Feeling that little death. And I had experienced all of that with a woman who has never done this before. What are the odds?
As I twitched, still inside her, lying on the floor we crumbled onto after we had our explosive session, afraid to move and hurt her, I wondered what made her choose me. Why not Nico? Why not anyone? I gazed down at her, leaning over her with half my weight on the floor and the other half gently on top of her. She had made no protest so far, but I was afraid to move too fast just in case she had some tearing. Slowly, I pulled out. We both moaned. Even coming out of her felt delicious. My cock was smeared with cum and blood. As if I needed more evidence of what I had done. She’s Nico’s girl, a stray thought said. Did I care? Not in the slightest. She’s mine too, just like she said, but even I knew it was wrong. I told Nico I didn’t want her and whenever we agree not to share; we did not share. But the contract. I groaned and fell down to the floor beside her.
“You lied to me,” I said to her. She was covering her breasts and blushing a cute red all over. I wanted to laugh. First, a virgin stripper. Now that she’s no longer a virgin, she’s a blushing stripper. The oxymoron would be funny if it weren’t true.
“I didn’t think you’d find out. I didn’t think…”
“We would fuck? You and I both.”
I shouldn’t have taken her like that. Up against a wall like a brute. A barbarian who had never touched a woman before. But the truth is, I wanted her like that. Countless times I have fantasied about taking her the way I did. I dismissed the thoughts at first. I didn’t want her, I told myself over and over. And whenever I saw her and Nico together, I yearned to be the one who was talking to her. Making her laugh. I fucking hated her. Still do. And yet, I wanted her. It didn’t make sense and the longer I fought it, the more I wanted her. She’s not a good person. She’s possibly a thief, a fraud and who knows what else, but whenever she walked into a room, all of that went out of my head. The findings I dug up on her about her foster home and the one friend she grew up with in that home dying recently were all flags that made her susceptible to being used by any one of our enemies, but did I care about that? No. Sinking myself deep inside her was all that mattered to me. And after I had done that, I still wanted to be in her again. Demented. Freya was probably sore, and I wanted seconds. What kind of monster am I?
She stirred beside me. A monster who knew jack shit about aftercare. She looked a little embarrassed. Of course she would after how I had taken her. I got up, took her into my arms, and carried her to my room. “We’re sleeping here tonight,” I said to her as I laid her down on the bed and went to the bathroom. I came back with a warm towel intent on cleaning her, but as I brushed her sore pussy, I couldn’t resist wanting to know how it tasted. One lick, I thought as I leaned down and kissed her center. She twitched and I sturdied her legs with my hands before delving in again. I lapped at the center, slowly and methodically. She mewled, moaned and twisted on the bed until the sheets were a tangled mess. I did not stop. I continued my assault till she started choking sobs, crying for release. That’s when I took her nub into my mouth and tugged it. She screamed, her back arched as her juices flowed out of her pussy and straight into my hungry mouth. “You’re so responsive,” I said, admiring her orgasm. It was something to behold. She came like her body was on fire.
“What about you?” She lazily focused her hooded eyes on my hard cock. I recalled the way her pussy had milked it, and I yearned to feel that same wondrous sensation again, but not now. Now was the time for the pleasure she should experience on her own.
“Don’t worry about me,” I said as I tucked her into bed. I put the towel back into the bathroom and returned to the bedroom to sleep beside her. My night was sleepless and dreams did not come to me and after some time, I was awake again. Freya was sleeping silently, but instead of on her own side of the bed, she had rolled over and was now tucked against me. Her butt nuzzling my cock. My hand had gone over her body and was lightly touching her breast. My cock swelled as I fully woke up. Lazily, I caressed her nipple, and it rose to attention. Her body twitched, and she rubbed her ass against my cock. I caressed her nipple again. A little more deliberate this time, and she moved again.
“You’re awake,” I said. She froze, betraying herself. Looks like we’re in the mood for some games. This time, instead of caressing her nipple, I twisted it lightly. She moaned and her hand shot up to mine. “I knew you were pretending to sleep.” I twisted her around so she was lying on her back and I leaned over her, resting my weight on my hand. “How can I when you’re literally poking my butt with your cock?”
“It’s hard for a man to sleep, well… hard.”
“I asked you if you wanted it taken care of.”
“As if you know how to.”
“I know enough.”
Her breasts were like two peaks that wobbled as she spoke. Even in the dark with the low light from the Vegas strip, I could make them out without straining my eyes. I caressed one. She arched her back. Was there anyone who was this responsive? “You are still sore.”
“No, I’m not. You can check.” She opened her legs a little wider. I was too weak-willed to deny the invitation. Her pussy was wetter than I expected. Lazily, I played with it, marveling at the way she twisted and gyrated against the sheets. “Your pussy is too wet for someone who’s just waking up. Were you dreaming of me?”
I slid one finger inside her and flicked her clit with my thumb. “Liar. lets try again. Were you dreaming of me?”