
WE SPENT THE next couple of days fucking Freya out of our systems and failing each time. Instead of tiring of her, we became more insatiable. I fucked her over which ever surface that was flat and sometimes not. In the bed. In the shower. Against several windows. On the dinner table. On the dinner chairs. The rug. The couch. Outside. On the beach with little care of sand grains, in the shallow end of the sea with water lapping our thighs. Nico would be there sometimes watching, sometimes taking part and sometimes it would just be Freya and I. After all that I still want her. I was not satisfied.

She was like a drug, and I wanted more each time. What was more intoxicating was how responsive she was. She was just as lustful as us. She wanted me the same way I wanted her. And if there was any doubt about that, this morning she woke me up with the most glorious dick sucking I’ve ever had. A dream made into reality. She seemed unsure when she saw me stir into consciousness, but when I reassured her by caressing her head, she continued siphoning me until I almost came. I lifted her off my dick and laid her beside me. I wanted to come inside her pussy and not her mouth.

Languidly I thrust into her and that’s when Nico woke up. He went to her other side and thrust in behind her. She accepted him with as much enthusiasm as she accepted me. We came together like that. Almost at once. And I never wanted the bliss to end. I might have kissed her on the mouth. I remember her sweet tongue tangled with mine and the hollowness I felt when Nico took her and kissed her. Longing filled the void. It was a feeling I’ve never had for a woman. Something between jealousy and envy, but not the two. I practically wrenched her from Nico and kissed her again. He must have chuckled, but I don’t remember because the elation that took over me as I felt her lips on mine again deafened any sound surrounding us.

“We should take her home,” Nico said to me as we were having dinner. Freya was showering while we were having breakfast. In a move of diplomacy and a way to show her I wasn’t the monster she thought I was, I increased her radius to a hundred feet. Trust between us wasn’t there yet, but developing and a lot premature for what Nico was suggesting.

“I hope you don’t mean Chicago.”

“You want her as much as I do. Admit it.”

“I want to get her out of my system and by tomorrow, that would be done.”

Nico bellowed out a raucous laughter. “You’re lying to yourself if you think you’ll be able to forget her after all this is over.

“I’m not clingy like you.”

It was meant as a retort t piss him off, but it didn’t. He simply shrugged and said, “I call it like I see it and you’re are being clingy as hell. You didn’t want to let go of her just this morning. Stop lying to yourself and free yourself to the possibilities you’re shielding yourself from.” He dug a spoon into his cereal and chewed sagely like he had just imparted some grand wisdom on a protégé.

I wasn’t shielding myself from anything. Unlike him, I hadn’t conveniently forgotten what she was. We had already let our guard down, and now he was inviting me to do the same thing again. Not only that, but he wanted me to forgive her like he seemed to have done. I haven’t been blind to his treatment of her. He was no longer being deliberately cruel, but was now actively being nice to her. What happened to the punishment we talked of? He seemed to have tossed it out of the window. But what’s punishment when the person enjoys it? I don’t think there was time she didn’t receive her punishments with vigor and enthusiasm. Freya is one of a kind. A masochist who revels in pain and humiliation.

“I’m not like you,” I finally said.

“Keep telling yourself that.” He perked up, making me wonder what he saw behind me and only realizing later who it was. “Freya. Good morning. We were just talking about you,” he said.

I turned my head to see her walking down the stairs. My god, she’s beautiful. She was wearing a white sundress that flowed behind her as descended. She looked like an angel coming from above. This is why he was willing to forgive her. Her innocence that had a touch of eroticism. She was alluring and mysterious. The more I learned about her, the more I wanted to know.

She glided over to a stool beside me and sat down. Her fresh scent wafted into my nostrils, a reminder of each time I’ve breathed into her neck as I come. I glanced her up and down once more. She had to know the effect she had on me, right? She could not be as oblivious as she seemed.

Nico slid a bowl of cereal over to her. The same thing he was having. She took it and thanked him. I don’t know, but Freya didn’t strike me as a cereal kinda girl. In fact, I don’t remember her eating any cereal of any kind ever. “How do you know that’s what she wants?” I asked him.

“I’m fine with,” she looked down at the bowl of milk and multi-colored shapes, “whatever this is.”

“See, I knew she wouldn’t like it.”

“I can eat cereal,” she said, sounding less and less convincing. Anger built up inside me. Nico loved controlling diets, but if doing so meant malnutrition, it was my duty to say something.

“You have to eat something substantial,” I said, getting up.

“No really, I’m fine,” she said.

“Are you? The truth?”

She grimaced and I immediately knew she was lying to cover for Nico. “Yeah that it. I’m making you food.”

I wasn’t much of a cook. At least not on the level of my brothers, but I could whip up a decent breakfast. I went to the fridge and gathered my ingredients. Eggs, bacon and bread. She liked them sunny side up. That was the egg she chose every time Nico ordered that over the top breakfast buffet. I put the bacon in the skillet next to the eggs and threw the bread into the toaster. A few minutes later, I presented her with the plate. “There,” I said. She smiled as she accepted the food. It was a smile that made an ice heart melt. The kind of smile that made men declare their eternal protection for a lady. I wanted to see it more often.

I heard a snigger and turned to Nico. “Anything the issue.” His cheeks were strained with mirth. His eyes were almost watering when he said, “You’ve just proved my point,” and he burst out laughing. I never got to respond to him. I wanted to tell him I was doing it out of concern only. That I can be considerate sometimes and it had nothing to do with the wild assumption of his that I was developing feelings for her. Because just as I was about to utter a word, Nico’s phone rang. It was the buyer. I could tell from the way he suddenly went seriously and walked out of the room. I followed him. He put the phone on speaker.

“I want to come to your island today and make the deal,” the man on the other end of the line said. “It will be a one and done thing. I happen to be close by and my men have already given me the all clear on the sale. I give you money, you give me the jewel, understood? “

“Loud and clear. We will need to clear you for security first, but if you come in the afternoon everything will be sorted.”

“You will not need all of that. You know me already. We’ve met,” he said.

I turned to Nico. He nodded his head, agreeing with him. If he trusted him, then so did I. Nico and the man on the other end hashed out the logistics and time was set. Today is when the exchange is going to take place. I didn’t mind being a little more open here than back in Vegas. Here we were secure and secluded. Only a fool would think of attacking us.