“You should have seen how she reacted to my whipping of her.”
“I saw. It aroused her.”
His eyes flared with desire that was no doubt reflected in my own. He didn’t have to say anything to me to understand what he wanted. “You wanted to join in?” It was less a question and more a statement. He nodded. I took a sip of my drink. “We have to take turns punishing her.”
“Or do it at the same time.”
“That can work.”
We both knew what we were agreeing to. It didn’t need to be spelled out. He understood me and I him. She was ours. Not his Not mine. Ours. To do what we want with. And by the end of this trip, we will discard her. Her and that cursed jewel in our possession. It had brought me nothing but headaches ever since we got it.
“Have you spoken to Dante about the buyer?” I asked Nico.
Nico nodded. “He says do what needs to be done. He’s still enjoying that honeymoon of his. I doubt he even understood what I was talking about.”
“And Gio? Same thing. Now that him and Simona are getting along, it seems he can’t get enough of her.”
I don’t know why, but part of me felt a little jealous that my brothers were happy and in love while all I had to deal with a conniving woman out to kill me. Granted, their relationships did not start on good footing, but those women were different. Dante came to know and trust Corina and eventually fell in love with her. Gio was a pigheaded fool who denied his love for the only woman he’s ever cared for. That was different. And why am I comparing Freya to them, anyway? She’s property, not wife material. She was not someone worthy of being the mother of my kids or Nico’s kids. But as soon as I thought that, an image of Freya heavily pregnant cradling her stomach came to mind. It scared me. Not because I thought of it at all, but because I thought of it and wanted it. She was turning me into something I’m not. I placed that disturbing image in the back of my mind and focused on the present.
“That’s fine. We deal with the sale of the jewel ourselves,” I said. “What did the buyer say?”
“He’s coming here. I figured a private island is much better than the hotel or the casino. We have better security here.”
The island was installed with state-of-the-art security made by a firm that specializes in protecting high-risk individuals, especially dictators and people like us who like to walk on the other side of the law. The team here was vetted by us and they all knew their job and did it well. It was a pleasure hideout most of the time and some of our more famous friends liked to hang out here to get away from the media. Volkov would be stupid to try to come for us here.
I nodded and then remembered that Nico had initially planned to bring Freya for his birthday. Well our birthday. Without realizing I was voicing out a thought, I muttered. “Sorry.”
“About my naïve plans for Freya? It’s okay. I should be more like you, to be honest. Celebrating one’s birthday is childish.”
“No. You celebrate for both of us. I just don’t have the energy.” He knew that wasn’t true, but let the matter drop. We were coincidentally born on the same day to different mothers in different cities, but I didn’t like to celebrate mine because I didn’t think it was necessary. My biological mother never cared about me and I never knew my biological father. The day I celebrated was the day I was brought to the Morelli mansion. That was the first time I came into the world. My time before that was an extended gestation period.
However, for Nico, as much as he tried to be cavalier, his pain was etched on his face. It made me mad. I gazed upstairs to where she currently was. We should teach her a lesson. I drank the rest of the scotch and placed the glass down on the bar counter. “I’m going back,” I said.
Nico downed his own glass. “I’m coming with you.”
Freya jolted in her binds when we entered. She didn’t look what I thought she would look like. Scared. Nervous. Pleading. She was stoic, and almost curious. Naked and strung up, I had to admit she made a pretty sight. She was like an offering to the gods, and we were the lucky subjects who happened upon her. My dick got hard in an instant. The burning ember deep inside me lit into a fire as I noticed her glistening pussy red with the marks I left on her. Even her nipples had the same red welts that made her look even more erotic.
“You should be first,” I said to Nico. “Since I.” I didn’t need to finish the sentence. Since I was the one who took her virginity.
“First what?” she shouted.
“First to fuck you bloody,” Nico responded. “Punish you for all your sins.”
She scoffed. “Says the mob boss.”
Nico ignored her retort and marched over to her. He stood over her and scanned her body as if she was a piece of furniture waiting for his appraisal. His gaze lingered on her breasts, and further down her pussy. “You did wonderful work, brother.”
“She enjoyed it a little too much.”
Nico raised his eyebrows. “Interesting.” He went to her center and dipped two fingers. She arched her back and her body followed his hand as he withdrew. His fingers glistened under the soft light of the room. “Fuck,” he sounded like he was groaning. “She has an insatiable pussy.”
She’s one of a kind, I gotta admit. Her responsiveness was something to behold and the biggest turn on I’ve ever had. Nico licked his fingers and got to removing his clothes. I dragged the chair that was by the bed to a better vantage point and sat down. I kinda liked watching my brother work. Call me weird, but it’s a kink of mine. Freya’s gaze kept darting between us as Nico undressed. I could tell she wasn’t sure what was going on, but didn’t have the courage to ask.
Nico removed everything and let his dick spring free. She gasped. With the amount of times she had seen that thing, one would think she was used to it, but it excited her as if it was the first time. Nico joined her on the bed and covered her body with hers, but not completely, so I could watch everything he was doing to her. He didn’t kiss her. Properties were not meant to be kissed. Somewhere along the way, we had forgotten that rule. Instead, he took one breast in his hands, held it, and pinched it. She jolted into the air and he caught the breast in his mouth. Freya resisted at first, remaining still. But when he put his hand down to her pussy and started playing with it, the thrashing began. “Come see,” Nico said, “Come look at how wet this slut is.”
I stood up and kneeled at the side of the bed. Her pussy was right in my face and an inch forward, and I would kiss it. I resisted the urge. Instead, I simply observed as Nico used his thumb and index finger to open her pussy wide. Juice slid down and onto the bed. Fuck. “I know,” Nico said, not realizing I had voiced my thoughts. My initial intention of only watching went out of the window. All I could think of now was the last time I buried my cock deep inside that pussy. How good it felt. I’ve never felt like that before and I wanted to experience it again. I looked up at Freya, who was watching us with as much interest.