She is dangerous. A potent dynamite that would blow in our faces if we weren’t too careful. And yet, Nico found her enamoring. All the candidates disinterested him until she came along. That’s when he sat up and took notice. I would have sworn she wasn’t his type. He’s into skinny blonds with a brain that kept up with his own. Petite and curvy Miss high school diploma over here was the last person I thought he would want to spend an entire year with. She was so sex focused she failed the one test most women who came through that door passed. The pole or the chair. Few chose the pole, and we promptly sent them out. Most were smart enough to work out that it was a test and went for the chair. And sat in it. Not do a dance routine! Yes, it was sexy, and yes, it made me want to get up on the stage and grab her, but she failed. Then she doubled down by giving me a lap dance! Maybe that’s the problem, Nico was thinking, with his dick and not his head. It is clear even now. His eyes were on her tits and they haven’t moved since.

“Can you leave us for a second while we discuss,” I said to Freya. Nico gave her a reassuring glance and gestures to the door she came through. As soon as we were alone, I turn to him. “She won’t do.”

“You just need to get off your high-class sensibilities and realize that she’s amazing. I mean, I almost came when she put my hand on her wet pussy,” he replied.

“And that’s the problem. You’re too horny-brained to notice anything past her tits. If you think I will go on a business trip with her…”

“You don’t even know her. You’re just making assumptions.”

“She’s a stripper.”

“A fine profession filled with smart women.”

“She has a high school diploma.”

“Maybe she didn’t have money to go to college. Ever thought about that?” That may be true, but nothing about her screamed untapped potential. Untapped potential of a good fuck? Probably. But that’s it. “Don’t you think you’re being a little too picky? You refused every girl who came along. She’s the last one. Every single one was too tall or too bland or too whatever.”

That’s because they weren’t the right fit. None of them stirred anything inside me and if we were to choose someone, it had to be someone I wanted to fuck. All of them were nice women. Suitable in every context I could think of. Just unfuckable. Except for Freya. And she is unsuitable under every other metric.

“I don’t care,” I said with finality. “I don’t want her.”

“You don’t have to. There’s no document saying we should share.” That gave me pause. We have never, not once, never shared. People have treated us as twins ever since we both came to the Morelli household twenty-two years ago, even though we came from different families. When mother adopted us, she saw it fit that we got two of the same things or shared one. And we’ve shared everything since. Where we live. The work we do. The women we fuck. Hell, my first fuck was also my brother’s first fuck.

That was our entire life until now. Sharing is at our core. It bonds us together. Some may think it’s a little fucked up, but none of the women we’ve been with have protested. That’s the reason we hold the Choosing. To make sure we both agree on who we want to be with. Well, one reason at least. And now he wants to change things.

“Do you really want her that badly? She’s just… some girl.”

Nico crosses his arms like he does when he’s being stubborn. Or when he’s confident in his decision. “You can get your own. I want her.” Something tells me it’s both.

That’s new. “Why her?” I ask.

Nico shrugged. “I don’t know. She speaks to me.”

You mean her blowjob-ready mouth speaks to you, I want to say, but I hold my tongue. Nico was resolute. He would not budge on this. I knew my brother more than anyone in the world and it was clear he wanted Freya and nothing I could say would stop him.

“Is there another reason you want her specifically that you aren’t telling me?”

The light in the room was dim, but I’m sure his face reddened. He shook his head. “Why would I hide anything from you?”

“You’re telling me it’s got nothing to do with Maeve?”

“She doesn’t control my choices, dude. Not everything I do is about her.”

Nico looked away. He was lying. I almost wanted to laugh. He had an obsession with his high school sweetheart and I was afraid it would never end. She’s the one person we’ve never shared. I’ve never liked her and Maeve’s never liked me, interestingly enough. Whatever his reasons were for choosing Freya, I’m pretty sure they have something to do with Maeve.

“Fine,” I said. “You can have her.”

He beamed. You would think the boy won the lottery. “You’ll come to like her, I’m sure of it.”

“Not me. She’s yours and yours alone.”

Nico shrugs again as if to say, your loss and marched, no, practically rushes over to open the door to permit Freya re-entry. He took her hand in his and said, “You’re coming home with us.” He’s like a kid with a shiny new toy. Whatever hold Freya has on him will pass in a short time. I doubt it was going to last a year. A month and he will use her and be bored. And if Maeve wants him back, well, Freya was a goner.

As he lead her inside and they stroll past me, Freya’s side breast brushes my hand and a trickle of electricity runs down my spine, reminding me of her lap dance. She was good at her job, that’s for sure. I don’t think I’ve ever been that hard for a woman I dislike. I have to be attracted to a person for me to want to fuck them. And not just attraction to their body. But a lot more. It was a testament to her abilities; I guess. And speaking of which, I wondered if Nico has done the appropriate amount of background info on her. Her club was owned by one of our rival Families, the Saccones. And while we have practically ground that Family to dust, there were still some people who were loyal to Saccone. Freya could be one of them, and judging by the way my brother was obsessed with her, he might not have done enough checks to clear her of that association. I make a mental note to check up on her myself. Better safe than sorry is my motto.

I left the two to themselves while I went to the organizer to thank her as well as reassure her of the huge tip that will come her way. Just like in previous years, her work was stellar, elegant and discreet. Every year she gave up private use of her brothel or boudoir, as she likes to call it, so we can conduct the choosing in privacy.

By the time I make it to the car, Nico and Freya were waiting for me in the backseat. He had Freya sitting on his lap, too eager to unwrap his present. Good thing a physical was part of the screening. She might have been carrying a cocktail of STIs for all I know. “So you decided to make me your chauffeur,” I said as I get into the driver’s seat. Nico whispers something into Freya’s ear, and she giggles. It’s a cute and sweet sound that filled the air and tingles my senses. I adjusted the rear-view mirror and my gaze came into contact with hers and she went silent. She was still wearing the bikini, probably at Nico’s insistence. The top was straining to contain her bosom and any slight movement was like a threat to the fabric. Honestly, couldn’t she find one that fit her? She probably wore the smaller one on purpose. It’s working if that’s the case. I’m already getting hard again at the thought of ripping that tiny piece off with a single snap.