Lunch was a mess. I walked into the cafeteria and, less than a minute later, walked right back out. The silence was nearly deafening, and the number of eyes on me, unsettling.

For the last hour, I’ve been watching the clock, waiting for the bell to ring. Once I make my escape, I’m done. I’m not coming back here for another day of pure hell, let alone another month. I can earn my diploma online or request the teachers send the work home with me and hand it in weekly. Something has to be better than today.

When the bell finally rings, I rush out of the room, stopping quickly at my locker to retrieve my sweater and a textbook before darting out the front door. Gina and her group of friends stop me.

Her eyes are black, her nose is swollen, and her jaw remains bruised with a fat lip. “Well, looky here, the whore of Palermo is back.”

The girls all cackle like disgruntled hyenas. Hiking my bag higher on my shoulder, I try to ignore them and walk around their group, but they block my way.

Blowing out a breath, I accept they’ve been waiting for this confrontation all day. “Were you all wanting to look as beat up as Gina does?” I ask the girls as a group. “Because I’m more than happy to make that happen.”

“There’s one of you and five of us. I think it’s time you get what you’ve been dishing out,” Gina laughs.

Dropping my things, I prepare to give as good as I get. There may be more of them, but they have nowhere near my temper that blinds me from pain.

As one girl approaches me, I don’t hesitate to swing my fist with as much force as possible. The clack of her teeth smashing together is satisfying. More so when she cries and blood slides from her mouth in thick rivulets.

Gina backs up because she knows I won’t be deterred, but the other three girls rush forward, and I know I wallop at least two of them before they overpower me. Once I’m on the ground, Gina joins in, her booted foot kicking me in the chest, the hip, and just as she’s about to stomp on my face, one girl is tossed to the side as Gina’s yanked back by her hair.

“I fucking warned you!” Domino’s furious tone makes me flinch, and I immediately moan from the pain.

“Don’t think so, little lady.” I see Maso and Santi block the other tormentors’ exit as two teachers come over.

“Cara mia, are you okay?” Domino inquires, but he doesn’t relinquish his grip on Gina.

“What’s going on here?” the principal asks, glaring at Domino and his brothers.

I stay where I am because I’m afraid if I move, I’ll pass out. I think one of them might have cracked a rib. Breathing is painful.

“This little gang of sluts thought they could beat up on Nicola,” Santi snaps out and growls when one of them makes a move to get past him.

The principal looks from the others to me on the ground before crossing her arms. I already know what she’s going to say.

It appears Domino does as well. “Don’t. Whatever the fuck you’re about to deny right now, I suggest you swallow your fucking tongue. Gina will be back tomorrow to explain what’s happened after she speaks with her father. Until then, have all of Nicola’s teachers email her work; she won’t be back. And when I’m through with you, Santini, neither will you.” Tossing Gina to the side, Domino bends down to lift me in his arms.

“Shit, shit, shit,” I hiss with every move he makes.

“I’m sorry,cara mia.” He kisses my head gently before glaring back at the group. “You will all pay for every minute she’s in agony. Mark my words.”

Leaning my head on his shoulder, I watch his jaw as he walks us to his car. Domino isn’t just a man, he’s a protector. A righter of many wrongs, and right now, he’s my hero.

“Shit, bro. You’re working your way into the role of mafia boss like a fucking pro.” Maso claps his back, and I moan as stars dot my vision. “Fuck, sorry, Nic.” I nod. It’s the only movement that doesn’t make me want to die.

The ride home goes by in a blur of pain and tears because the more the vehicle moves, the more I want to pass out. Once I’m settled into bed, Domino informs me a doctor has been called, but I’m in too much agony to pay attention. I just want to sleep. I want to have never gone to school today and revert back to the weekend.

When it was just Domino and me. The two of us making love anywhere we wanted to, whenever we wanted to. We spent more time naked than dressed. We talked, shared, laughed. For the first time since meeting him, I felt like Domino legitimately cared about me as a person. I want to travel back in time.

* * *

I’m dreaming.I have to be, but I have no idea where I am. There are men in the room with me, but they don’t see me. I try to speak, to ask what’s happening, only I’m ignored.

When a young couple walks into the room, the man with his arm around the woman, I freeze. My body, my heart, my lungs. The air has been sucked from the room, and I have no idea why.

I recognize them, but I’m not sure from where. Who they are. I just know they’re important to me. When they begin to argue, and the woman starts to cry, shaking with fear as one man pulls a gun out, I try to scream at them to stop it. Stop whatever they’re about to do because, in my heart, I know it’s not going to be good.

When the man with the gun aims his shot, I rush to stand in front of the couple, holding my hands out, begging him to stop. The first bullet passes through me, and somehow, I feel the splatter of blood on the back of my body. The warmth, the fluid sliding down my exposed flesh, and as I turn to the man holding the woman in his arms, crimson red spilling from her chest as they crash to the ground, our eyes meet, and for a second, I think she sees me.
