“Well, you did and there’s nothing to do about it,” I respond.

I’m enveloped in his arms within the next seconds.

His warmth enraptures me, and I sigh in defeat. He holds on tight. My arms hesitate to respond, but I do so anyway, not able to resist a Xavier hug.

“I promise on my life that I won’t shut you out again,” he says with his chin placed on my head.

“Good,” I respond in the comfort of his arms.

“But we can still make up for the time that’s been lost because I decided to be an asshole,” he tells me.

“How?” I ask. It’s not like we can go back in time.

“Well, you’re going to be stuck with me a little longer.”

“I’m leaving for Australia tomorrow.” I can’t stay here any longer. I know that and it crushes my heart into tiny little pieces.

“Do you mind if I join you down under?” He lets go of me and says the Australian phrase with an accent. A butchered accent, but it doesn’t fail to make me laugh.

“But it’s your mom’s birthday in a few days. I could never pull you away from her.” I found out two days ago that it’s Lena’s fiftieth birthday. Xavier loves his mother too much to pull away from her on a day that should be celebrated. I won’t allow him to come with me. His mother is more important.

“Well, your first match is on the eighth, so I’ll fly out on the seventh so I can spend a little more time with my mom before watching you win your first-ever grand slam.” His eyebrows go up and down.

“Don’t jinx it.” I playfully hit him on the shoulder. My game has gotten better over the last few months. I feel as prepared as I possibly can be for the upcoming tournament.

His grin grows wider. “What? It’s the truth,” he confirms. “I don’t know if you know this, but I see the future. I predicted Ale and Luca’s relationship, so that means I know you’ll win your first grand slam this year.”

“That’s a probability, not you being able to see into the future,” I tease.

“I’m always right, so there is no need to overlook my abilities.”

“Okay, Mr. Psychic Medium.” I chuckle.

His response is a quick smile.

The wind from the top of the building blows my hair back and it gets even wilder as time passes. A chill creeps up my spine, causing me to let out another shiver. Xavier seems to notice and pulls his jacket off his back, wrapping it around me.

“You don’t have to.” I protest before he quickly shuts me down.

“Nope, you will not catch a cold on my watch.”

“Thank you,” I respond, a small smile playing on my face.

Quickly after I give him my gratitude, people start cheering in glee from the inside. I turn around to see big gold numbers starting the countdown to the New Year starting from ten.

“Dez, nove, oito, sete, seis, cinco, quatro, três, dois, um!” People cheer even louder once the new year arrives. Their shouts dissipate to the sound of massive fireworks that start to adorn the sky in all sorts of colors.

I see it all play out in front of me.

The view is breathtaking.

“Happy New Year, Blondie,” Xavier says next to me.

“Happy New Year, Sunshine,” I reply, turning my head to find him staring at me.

I start the New Year with my gaze entranced in his.