He chokes on a sob before enveloping me in his arms.

We both need this, him more than me. But I accept it with open arms as I squeeze him tight. His warm chest meets mine, and I feel him crying quietly behind me. So I pull him in tighter, sitting on his lap for a better grip. I’m here to hold him for as long as he needs.

Because he’s the strongest person I know.



Isee the view of skyscrapers and apartment buildings from the plane.

After yesterday atCristo Redentor,Xavier and I are closer than ever. I’ve noticed that I’m not as worried to meet his mother anymore. I just want to go up and hug her. My impression of Mrs. Valente is that if I ever have kids one day, I hope to have the same love and dedication she has toward Xavier.

I feel the plane land as it skids on the tarmac and then halt to a smooth stop. Xavier is sleeping soundly in his seat as the sun from the window meets his features, so peaceful in his serene state. I examine his face, the bridge of his nose, and the way it leads down perfectly to his lips. The little scruff he’s been growing out is as sexy as ever, which makes it even harder to hold back my want for him. I notice movement in his lips, so I look up at his eyes. They’re fully open now and squinting because of the smile on his face.

“Like what you see, Blondie?” he questions.

“Maybe,” I reply as his face contorts in shock. He didn’t expect that answer from me and that’s precisely why I said it.

After yesterday, I think I need to tone down the comfort level I have with him.

I glance away slowly and out the window, realizing it’s time to disembark. I stand up and stretch out a little before I see Xavier do the same. He pulls my bag down first then hands it to me before grabbing his own. Walking out of the aisle, the pilot and flight attendant stand at the exit, saying their goodbyes. We respond with gratitude before walking down the steps that were set out for us to step down. I go step by step before I hear someone yell out.

“Filho!” says who I assume is Xavier’s mother; they are identical.

“Mãe!” he responds, walking toward her. Once he is close enough, he drops his bags and hugs her.

She reciprocates happily, both overjoyed with each other’s presence. I turn around to see Cleo walking out with earbuds in her ears and a neck pillow around her neck while hauling bag after bag. Her mascara is smudged, and her hair is pulled back into a messy ponytail. Chanel walks out behind her with her mini suitcase and matching bag perfectly placed together.

Sofia and Jeff are coming on a later flight, which means no training for me or Xavier today.

I turn around to Xavier pulling back from her embrace with a large smile. He is a whole different sort of happy when he is around her and it makes my heart soar at how cute he looks.

“Mãe, this is Violetta and her two sisters Cleo and Chanel.” He introduces us.

“Hi, Mrs. Valente, it’s such a pleasure to meet you.” I say Mrs. Valente without worry. Xavier did tell me that he took his stepfather’s name, and his mother still goes by it.

“You don’t have to call me Mrs. Valente, dear, just call me Lena.” She goes in for a hug. Her accent is thick when we speak English, but I can understand her clearly.

I hug her back and notice how young and healthy she is. I knew she had Xavier young, but she does not look a day older than forty. Now I know where he got all his good genes from and why he’s so attractive.

They have the same smile.

“You two must be the twins,” she says.

“Hi, Lena,” Cleo replies, opening up her arms to hug her.

She turns to Xavier and then says, “Até o momento, ela é minha favorita.”

Xavier’s arms are crossed as he rolls his eyes at his mom’s comment. His arms bulge in their position and I would love to be enveloped in them on a daily basis.

Snap out of it, Vio.

She already turned back around facing Chanel. She holds out her hand to shake Lena’s. Lena takes it, then pulls her into a hug. Chanel hugs her back uncomfortably, then pats her back awkwardly. My sister is not one to be touchy. Every time I hug her, she shakes in disgust afterward, but I hug her anyway when the opportunity presents itself. I can see her holding back her protests out of respect.

Lena pulls away. “You’re not a hugger, are you?” she replies, led by a small laugh.

“Not really,” Chanel replies.