Then she leans down and grabs a few pieces of cheese.
“I’m going to go check on Chanel,” she says before walking off the bow of the boat and down to the second floor.
When Xavier mentioned a yacht day…
More like a boat day.
I was hesitant at first. I didn’t want to get up from the couch. But I feel like I’ve accomplished something today without doing anything. Bathing in the sun while the ocean waves sound next to us is even better than sitting on the sofa.
“Thank you for today,” I tell Xavier genuinely.
“Thank you for agreeing. Even though it was hard dragging out the Luna sisters from the house,” he responds with a light laugh.
I laugh along with him.
We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes after our chuckles die down.
“Let’s play a game,” Xavier says.
I’m not even surprised by his comment; it’s a very Xavier thing for him to say.
“Okay,” I agree.
He thinks for a second before deciding on something. I hope it isn’t a crazy game. I can only imagine him wanting to play truth or dare.
“Have you ever played twenty questions?”
I raise my eyebrow at him. Out of all the games, he chose twenty questions. It’s not like I haven’t shared a lot of things with him.
“Why twenty questions?”
“Well, because we’ve shared personal things, but I want to know more about the little details,” he replies with a little shrug at the end of his comment.
“Okay, shoot.” My gaze is focused on him.
Almost immediately, he starts off with the basic questions. “What’s your favorite food?”
“How could you ask me such a question? You know how much I love food.” Thinking for a second, I reply, “Mole Poblano or French toast.”
He nods, waiting for my question.
“If you were stranded on an island, what would you take with you?”
“Not a what, more like a who.” He pauses. “My mother. She would know what to do in any situation.”
I smile at his reply. He does look like the type to be a mama’s boy.
“If you could choose between one of your sisters, who would it be?”
My eyes widen at his question. He started off with such a tame question and now he’s venturing into the one I don’t know how to answer. Of course a little smirk spreads across his face.
“I couldn’t and will never answer that,” I reply.
He rolls his eyes. “You have to choose. That’s the whole point of twenty questions. It’s not like you’re going to pick in real life.”
“Well, Cleo is the light in every room while Chanel is the calm. They both have their things that benefit my life. How could I choose?” I groan out and then hit him on the shoulder for even asking me.
He laughs at my sorry excuse of a slap. “Don’t worry, Blondie. I won’t snitch,” he whispers.