I start to get dizzy the longer I stare into his eyes; they are perplexing.

“We should get ready.” My breath is shaky.

Xavier snaps out of our trance; he steps back and nods in my direction. I hop off the bed and walk slowly out of the room. I grab the doorknob, twisting it as I try to keep my balance and shut the door behind me.

Stopping for a second, my back hits the wall right outside Xavier’s door. I need to understand these emotions that consume me.

But I don’t know how to process them. So I run through every human interaction I’ve experienced in my twenty-one, soon to be twenty-two years of living. I try to search for a time like this, where I’ve felt this feeling, and there’s only been one.


Violetta (PAST)

“Neta?” Ale asks me.

Our conversation continues in Spanish. “Duh, my dad most definitely wants to be the spitting image of your father.” About an hour ago, my dad and a man named Mauricio Castillo met. He came up to my father asking about our house in Acapulco. Within the first thirty minutes of meeting Mauricio, he fell in love. Not with him in particular but with the image of him. Ale’s dad is the owner of Castillo Enterprises, the startup that shot up from millions to billions of dollars of revenue every year.

My father, a businessman, aspires to reach that amount of success. The Castillo family was recently on the cover of Forbes, named one of the most powerful families in Mexico. My father would die for a chance to be on a cover of such prestige. But he was left with his family, three daughters, and my mother.

Soon after my father got to talking with Mr. Castillo, his daughter, Ale, was introduced to me. Her long black curls and eyes that resemble earth gazed in my direction. At that moment, I knew I wanted to be her friend. She is the contrast of me in her all-black distressed clothes while I’m in pink Daisy Dukes and a pastel purple top to match.

It’s always awkward for me to meet people. Starting off with the hellos that turn into a discussion with a lot of pauses in the middle of conversational cues. You have to listen in order to ask questions; if you don’t ask about the person, you’re talking until the conversation dies. People like to be asked about themselves, and when God forbid you talk about yourself, they don’t care anymore. I, on the other hand, like hearing about people’s lives. That’s why I took an interest in his daughter. Ale seems confident, and I would love to know what it’s like to be the daughter of such a powerful man. But as our conversation started, it just flowed. There was not one awkward pause or forced segue. It was natural as if we had the same interests. I knew I wanted to talk to her for as long as possible because it’s hard for me to find people I can actually converse with.

“A lot of people express their love for my father in many ways. Your dad isn’t the first, nor will he be the last. But just know that there isn’t anything more than what the eye sees. My father can be loving and cherishing, but at the same time, cruel. He has selfish motives, and I don’t think you want your father to have the same incentives.” Ale’s eyes meet mine as if she wants to tell me something through eye contact.

“Well, too late. My father has been like that for years. So I guess we have the same daddy issues.” I raise my hand for a high five, and she returns it.

Our smiles are big as we bond over things I never knew anyone would understand. She’s an aspiring athlete like me, and her aspirations are similar. I’ve always been the encouraging type; I love when a person is driven. It helps me want to achieve my own goals and dreams.

“What do you want to bet that my dad is going to offer your dad a sum for this house?” Ale’s eyes fill with mischief and recognition. It wouldn’t surprise me if a multimillionaire such as Mauricio Castillo were to invest in real estate.

“You don’t have to bet; I think that’s what they are talking about.” I turn my head toward our fathers, who are deep in conversation on the porch. “I don’t think my father is ready to sell yet.” My eyes meet hers as her face widens with a smile, the first genuine smile I’ve seen from her in the past two hours.

“My father isn’t one to be turned down. Your father will sell this house whether it’s now or in ten years. Mauricio will have it with his determination. It’s something I admire yet loathe all the same.” She rolls her eyes in her father’s direction.

“Don’t roll your eyes at Mauricio,Princessa.” A deep voice sounds to my right. Right in front of me, stands single-handedly the most attractive person I’ve ever seen.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were on a ru—” Ale stops before rephrasing her sentence. I barely notice because of this gorgeous man who stands in front of me. “I thought you were at a business meeting.”

“I got out of it, and dear old Dad called me over here for more business talk,” he responds.

I don’t know who this man is, but I think I may have just fallen in love. I don’t even know what it feels like, but my heart is beating a million miles a minute just at the sight of his tan skin. He has a little scruff, as if he’s been growing it recently. His eyes are a dark black, contrasting Ale’s. I don’t know if he’s her cousin or uncle.

Ale seems to have noticed my confusion. “Vio, this is my brother León.” She pauses as his gaze moves to me. “Hermano,this is Vio, Vincenzo’s daughter.”

His gaze lingers, and my cheeks heat up as I feel his eyes rake over my body. He’s not looking at me in a predatory way. His expression exudes curiosity, and with every flicker of his eyes, they’re centered on me. My skin feels like it’s burning up, as if the sun was directly hitting my flesh. While a tingling sensation carries through to my belly, running rapidly.

My heart skips a beat, holding in an excited squeal; one I know is childish. But it’s a feeling that consumes me with his attention focused solely on my existence.

I don’t know if this feeling is love or not, but what I do know is that he makes me feel a certain way without saying a single syllable, and I don’t know if I’ll ever feel this way again.


Violetta (PRESENT)

Cleo’s crop top blinds me as the lights dance across the floor. The fabric on her body shines. She decided that tonight was the night to resemble a disco ball. Her makeup is carefully applied as the rhinestones sit on her lids in perfect placement. Her outfit of choice being a glitter skirt, cowboy boots, and blouse. All look like they came in a matching set. But I know Cleo enough to know she thrifted all of it. Just her wearing cowboy boots in a tropical location points out the simple characteristics that make up her personality. She has become another strobe light inside the club.

After that very intense interaction with Xavier and a quick breather afterward, I threw on some light makeup. Much to my dismay, I pulled out a matching lavender slip dress and let my hair fall into a natural wave. The smell of sea salt is still latched onto my body since I didn’t shower after this afternoon’s activities. I opted for no perfume since I like the smell of sea salt on my skin. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, I was greeted by Chanel dressed in a frilly peach dress and Xavier too good-looking for my liking.