I want to stay here and never leave.

“Don’t fall asleep, Blondie. We have a long night ahead of us, so just let me take care of you so your body feels brand-new!” I can’t see it, but I can hear his smile. I’ve been able to hear other people’s smiles before, but Xavier’s is so present in my mind.

I’m face down, and my body begins to relax. I want to fall asleep; I could pass out happily on this bed till morning. Hearing the sound of something shutting, I don’t know if he closed the door or the drawer on his side table. But either way, my body does not have the energy to lift my head to see what he’s doing.

“This might hurt a bit, but it’ll feel better after your muscles aren’t as tight anymore.” He opens the cap to the bottle of icy hot gel. He squeezes out some directly onto my calf, and the hot gel-like liquid falls on my skin.

I can’t see anything, but his warm hands send a shock through my spine.

They start to knead the icy hot gel into my skin. I groan out in pain as he massages from my calves all the way up to my thighs.

“That wasn’t even the worst part; I was just preparing you. I need you to breathe. It’s going to hurt.” He pauses. A vibrating sound behind me starts up. “I need you to tell me if you’re ready, Blondie.”

“Yea, I’m ready,” I reply, twisting my arm a little behind my back so I can give him a thumbs-up.

He chuckles in response as my arm drops, and I go slack.

Not a breath falls from my lips until the massage gun touches my skin; it doesn’t initially hurt. Until Xavier pushes inward, making the little black ball thing push in and out of my calf. He moves it upward, downward, in a circle, side to side, in an X formation, and every way you can possibly move it across. It feels like someone is inside my calves, touching my muscles one by one. But at the same time, the pain feels good. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because I’m so used to feeling sore. This feeling, though, is something I could get used to. My sounds change from painful groans to blissful noises at the newfound enjoyable feeling.

I think Xavier’s massage gun is my new favorite thing on the planet.

“Does that feel better?” he asks.

“Omi Goddd, it feels like heaven.” I’m still face down, so my words come out a little jumbled. I don’t really care because I finally know what paradise feels like, and I never want to come back up for air.

“The first time my trainer pulled this baby out, I found the one thing better than sex.” The massage gun starts moving to the side of my thigh, hitting a spot that makes me instantly go slack.

“I think I just found my new religion.” My voice is muffled, but I know Xavier can understand me because I can hear his smile again.

“Turn around, Vio.”

“I don’t know if I have the capacity to move.” I am way too comfortable to retire from this position. I just want to stay here forever.

“Please just roll over. The front is always better than the back.”

I suddenly notice that this conversation has been filled with sexual innuendos, and I don’t know if it’s Xavier’s doing or pure coincidence. But quite frankly, I don’t care as my pain dissipates slowly. I turn on my back, preparing for the worst.

“Good girl,” he praises.

My eyes peek open, and I see Xavier standing in front of me with a sense of accomplishment on his face. I purse my lips as my eyes roll. This all sounds too sexual.

“Stop thinking. I need you to relax, and I know this is not what you want to be doing,bebé.But I would really appreciate it if you did this for me.” His eyes are filled with remorse as he turns on the massage gun, going for a round two up my thighs.

You cannot tell me that didn’t sound sexual.

“I’m going with you guys. We already agreed,” I tell him.

“I know you already said yes, but I feel bad for dragging you somewhere you don’t want to go. I just don’t want to have this experience without you.”

I let out a breath, sitting up on his bed. His gaze moves from his attention on my thighs to my eyes. We just stare for a second. I know that’s weird to say, but we just stare at each other. His gaze breaks with mine as it shifts down to my lips.

Why is he looking at my lips?

He moves closer to me by a single step, the front of his legs now hitting the bedding in between mine. I watch him as he studies me some more. The tension fills the room as our breaths are the only thing heard between the walls.

We just stay there for a second as if we could be there for hours. Seconds, minutes, and hours don’t exist when I’m around him.

We just are.