I know it, even if she doesn’t.

It’s a whirlwind of motion as pens glide across surfaces, balls bounce back into outstretched hands, and paper crackles under the pressure of a signature. Vio moves swiftly, attempting to fulfill as many requests as possible, her genuine appreciation for the support evident in every interaction.

The crowd surges forward, vying for their turn, creating a sense of urgency and excitement. Vio continues to move forward in the sea of people and reaches the last person. Singing a big VL, she proceeds to hop into the black SUV waiting for her. I jump in behind and shut the door. It becomes silent in seconds.

Looking out the window one last time, I see the crowd dispersing, their joy and anticipation echoing in the air.

“Vio, that was insane!” I tell her in glee.

“Yea,” she responds by simply turning her head away from my direction with a small smile on her face.

I’m done with this silent treatment.

“Can you tell me what’s wrong?” I ask her, my tone gentle.

I may be upset, but that doesn’t mean there needs to be anger on the rare times we communicate.

She stays silent and doesn’t respond. I wait for a few seconds, waiting and waiting, but not a single syllable leaves her mouth.

“Please, Vio. I’m desperate at this point for you to talk to me. You haven’t uttered more than a few words in my direction ever since I got here.”

“Now you know how it feels. It’s funny that I lasted a whole week without you speaking to me and you can’t even last a day.” Vio snorts.

“I already apologized for that, and I was being an asshole. Now I know what it feels like, and I would like to apologize for whatever it is I did to you that I’m not aware of.”

“You’re not aware of what you did!” Vio’s eyes are practically plotting out my death sentence.

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s the dinner with Marrisa.”

The car comes to a stop. We’re back at the house in no time. Vio opens the door and storms out. She unlocks the door in no time, and I walk in just before she’s able to slam it in my face.

“Please, Blondie, tell me.”

She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms around her chest.

I’ve never seen this side of her, but I have a feeling I deserve every single lick of her anger.

“I’m mad about a lot of things, Xavier. Quite frankly, I think I might be done with whatever this is.” Her finger gestures between the two of us.

“Don’t say that,” I tell her.

“Well, it’s the truth. Should I lie?” She pauses and the weight of her words gets heavier and heavier every time I hear her voice. “I’m angry because you kiss me and next thing I know, I’m pushed into a situation with both your girlfriend and you. On top of that, you pulled Ale and Luca into this whole complex and infuriating situation. I’m thankful they were there because I can’t imagine what that dinner would have been like if they weren’t. Your girlfriend was shooting daggers in my direction the whole time and you just sat there in silence! I know that I told you that the kiss was ours and I don’t expect you to break up with her. I really don’t, but I do expect at least a little bit of respect. Because if what you told me back in Mexico was the truth, then you have respect for me. If you want to stay and be my friend, that’s fine. You have to get your life straight because I’m not going to be here forever. Don’t expect me to stand here and just be the other woman for long.” She’s out of breath.


“Vio, I’m confused.” I reach out for her, but she shakes off my touch in seconds.

“Confused about what?” she snaps. “Are you confused about whether or not you’ll choose me or her?”

“No, I would pick you a thousand times over.”

“Then why are you with her?” She’s yelling now.

“Because I’m afraid of losing the only thing my dad worked so hard to build for me. I’m also questioning myself time and time again.”

She shakes her head again. “You need to figure your shit out because one day I’ll snap, and I will give an ultimatum. I’m not doing that right now, so you can figure your own shit out.”

“You know how I feel about you cursing,” I tell her between gritted teeth.