Ale and Luca walk out hand in hand. Xavier and Marrisa do the same while I stand behind the two couples.

I am the third wheel.

The other woman and it feels like complete and utter bull.

I get in a cab by myself, not even saying goodbye to Xavier and Marrisa.

My phone buzzes.

ALE: That was the most awkward fucking dinner of my life. Xavier owes me his whole life at this point for coercing me into that situation.



ME: *Photo Attachment

I sent her my plane ticket.

BLONDIE: You didn’t.

ME: Oh, why yes, I did??

BLONDIE: You told me you couldn’t come.

ME: Well, I changed my mind and that plane ticket to LA is proof.

BLONDIE: You have a race next week!

ME: And? I want to be there, I’ve heard Roland-Garros is a must attend event at least once in our lives. That time is now.

ME: Palm Springs, here I come!

BLONDIE: You’re going to be the death of me??‍??

ME: I hope in a good way??

The view of palm trees and Vio reminds me of the day she and I reconnected. It’s an image that will never leave my brain.

I just got to California a few hours ago. Once I stepped foot off the plane into LAX, I was determined to get to Indian Wells as fast as I could.

Now I’m here and Vio is acting distant.

It’s no surprise. She had to go through a whole dinner practically being interrogated by Marrisa. If I went through that, I wouldn’t be happy either.

Vio’s practicing for the second time today.

She’s barely talked to me, which is fair.

But that doesn’t mean it’s not infuriating.

“Move!” Sofia calls out.

Vio moves from one side of the court to the other while Sofia hits the ball into the left, right, center, a little over the net and every crevice of the court.

Sweat drips off Vio’s body; she’s glowing even when tired.

Why does she have to be beautiful in every circumstance including when she’s working out? It’s not fair that she exists.