“I’ve only known her for a few months. I also have a girlfriend; one whose father is an investor.” I point out that last part.

“You can fall for somebody within a few weeks. It’s not impossible.” Luca pauses. “The Marrisa issue is complicated. But that doesn’t mean you can’t break up with her. Things happen and you keeping her in this relationship that isn’t going to go anywhere isn’t fair to her either.”

Who knew Luca Donatello was so wise?

I don’t like it one bit, but just like everyone else, they happen to tell me things that make sense.

“But what about the team? All that money that Schultz energy drinks put into our funds every year doesn’t just come out of nowhere.”

“Investors can be replaced. Formula One is more popular than ever. Rich people want to get their money into one of the most thrilling sports in the world,” he tells me reassuringly.

It is anything but reassuring.

“I don’t know if I was to risk it. My dad put everything on the line for me to be here. I can’t just risk it for a girl, right?”

“Xavier, you need to figure out what you want to do. Do you want to let go of someone you might potentially love or stay with someone purely based on money?” His words are concise, preventing me from finding the gray. There is no gray area in this, and I love to live my life in that gray area.

My whole life, I’ve refused to see the black and white in things. In my opinion, life isn’t one thing or another. Sometimes the things we love require a gray area to please ourselves and others.

This situation does not have that gray area.

It’s as black and white as they come.


“I don’t like you insinuating that I’m a gold digger.” I try to lighten up the mood.

The door opens to the tiny room instantly. “Xavier, your girlfriend is here to see you,” my PR manager tells me.

“Thank you.” I nod in his direction before he closes the door behind him.

I get up to walk out before Ale speaks. “You need to figure it out, Xavier, before Vio gets hurt.”

“I know.”

“I better not see one tear come out of her eyes over you. Because if I do, prepare to feel pain in your sleep.”

“Can we stop with the cutting off limbs threats?” I shudder yet again at her words.

“Don’t underestimate her abilities.” Luca defends her.

“You know that you guys give off a horror movie couple vibe, right? If aScreammovie was made about a couple as Ghostface, it would be the two of you.” I open the door and the PR manager directs me toward Marrisa.

“Thank you for the compliment,” Ale shouts before the door shuts.

My eyes roll at her comment before my legs take me to someone I’ve been dreading to see. Marrisa went on a trip with her parents, which gave me the perfect opportunity to go see Vio.

That visit is the reason why I’m so hesitant to see her.

I feel like women just know.

They know by the way you walk and talk if you’ve cheated.

It’s as if they have a cheater radar.

It’s impressive yet scary all the same.

God, I’m such an asshole.