Turning around, I walk toward the door and turn the handle softly, doing the same thing as I shut it, making sure no abrupt sound disrupts her much-deserved slumber. Once I’m completely out of her room and into the hallway, I sigh out in relief.

What am I going to do with this woman?

My phone buzzes in my pocket. I slip it out carelessly and unlock it.


I close my eyes, contemplating if I should open it or not. Realizing that I’ve been avoiding her for too long, I press on the notification.

MARRISA??: Surprise!

There’s a photo attachment.

Observing its contents, I see a plane ticket. Confusion fills me, so I zoom in, trying to figure out why she would send me a plane ticket.

It reads:Destination Melbourne. I still.

The arrival date is for tomorrow.




Iwoke up in my bed this morning.

Not knowing how I got there, but I’m assuming it must have been Xavier’s doing. I remember jumping on Xavier’s back while we were strolling back to the hotel. I must have fallen asleep, which is embarrassing, to say the least.

I haven’t seen him since last night.

Before every one of my matches, he’s accompanied me to the arena. Today, apparently, is a different story.

He hasn’t called me or sent me a single text asking where to meet up.

Which I’m telling myself is completely fine. I don’t need him to follow me around everywhere. But it would be nice to have him by my side as I prepare for my match against Letty.

My mind is going a hundred miles an hour knowing that I’m going to go through one of the most grueling matches of my life. I don’t need any distractions and of course, Xavier is one of them. All I keep thinking about is if he’s going to be in the crowd.

Will I be able to see him?

Thought after thought in my head is not related to the match that starts in five minutes, but it’s on Xavier and I don’t know if I want him out of mind.

“Snap out of it.” Sofia snaps her fingers in front of my face, interrupting my train of thought. “You’ve been out of it all morning. This is an important match, and your mind is on him. All you’re going to do on the court is think and think about him until you lose focus. Trust me, no man is worth losing this match.”

“I’m not worried,” I lie.

Sofia gives me a look that says everything. “Liar.”

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” I groan out as I glance up at the ceiling in the hallway leading to the arena.

“You’re obsessed, that’s what you are.”

I can’t deny anything she says because I don’t even know what I’m feeling.

“Ugh, I need to get in the zone. But my mind isn’t letting me.” I want to cry.

Why does he affect me so much?