I hear a ding before two gold doors open in tandem to each side. He guides us in before taking a step in the elevator. He presses the highest button aiming for the top floor, which is number sixty in black shiny numbers. The doors close and Xavier stands there, waiting for us to reach our destination.

He is delectable, wearing blue suit trousers and a crisp white undershirt unbuttoned with his sleeves rolled up his inviting arms. The matching jacket is in his hand and he grips it like a vice. I can see the veins popping out of his forearm and a few rings on his fingers as he opens his free hand, closing it a few times. His hair is styled with his bouncing curls out of his face.

“What is this place?” Chanel asks, looking around the elevator for some sign.

“It’s an apartment building, hotel, and convention center all in one. It’s owned by a friend,” he responds, smiling at Chanel as he says his friend is the billionaire he was talking about earlier.

Cleo lets out a sound of understanding while nodding.

The doors open soon after as we make it to the top floor.

Xavier steps out, waiting to the right as we walk out. I’m out last. My eyes are met with a massive crowd and a breathtaking view. We are on the roof but not completely outside. The large area is covered by panels of glass. It resembles an expensive greenhouse, with a large bar inside, small tables adorning the space, and a dance floor in the middle. The lights are low as neon colors flash across the space. Everything is black with gold elements matching the interior we previously saw downstairs. But the thing that pulls me in immediately is the view. I can see the whole city from here.

I glance over at the dance floor and people are grinding close to one another while moving their bodies to the beat. My eyes widen in shock, but I hold no judgment as I shrug it off.

“Yep, I officially love this place.” Cleo grabs Chanel by the wrist and runs toward the dance floor. Brazilian funk is blaring through the speakers. Xavier quickly follows my sisters.

A frustrated sigh leaves my lips. I shake my head in response to his fleeing.

He can’t avoid me all night. That’s something I’ll make sure of.

While Cleo and Xavier start dancing, Chanel crosses her arms, most likely staring at them in criticism.

I glance around, feeling extremely out of place, discomfort filling me. Shaking it off quickly is all I can do. I decide to take base at the bar.

The bartender immediately notices my presence and makes his way in my direction.

“O que posso lhe oferecer?” he asks.

I understand him saying offer since the word is similar to Spanish.

“Two cosmos and water,” I respond, assuming that the sooner Chanel has her drinks, the better she’ll feel.

He nods and then walks toward the other bartenders. The stool I’m sitting on swivels, so I turn around to see Cleo already making friends through dance. Xavier just laughs as people try to teach her some moves. Brazilian funk is still playing. It’s a mix of words and beats that consumes you from the inside.

“O que é uma coisa linda como você sentada em um banquinho e longe da festa?” I turn to see a gorgeous man asking me something in Portuguese.

“Sorry?” I ask him. Maybe if he just repeated it, I would understand.

“American?” he questions.

“Nope, Mexican,” I respond.

He nods as his eyes blossom in curiosity.

His bright green eyes contrast his skin beautifully and his black hair is slicked back away from his forehead while he’s clad in a full-piece suit.

“I was just asking you why a pretty thing like you would be sitting here alone?” His accent is a little thicker than Xavier’s, but it fits him well.

I blush at his comment. “My sisters are occupied with my friend who brought me here.”

He nods before calling the bartender over by a wave of his finger. The bartender scurries over, attending to him immediately. He says something in his ear before the bartender nods and runs away, most likely doing something the man asked him to do.

His gaze is dominating and his aura screams power. I tremble a little from the inside, refusing to let it show in front of him.

“What’s your name,garota bonita?” he questions.

I contemplate even saying it. I don’t know this man and he scares me a little bit.