I’m pathetic.

I look over at him on the phone. He appears worried. Saying one last final thing into the phone, he ends the call, staring at it in confusion.

I can see him getting more anxious by the minute.

“Everything okay?” I ask, worried.

“Yea, it’s just a change of plans,” he tells me with a sigh. “Something came up with my mom, so we’re going to have to go to São Paulo sooner.”

Cleo comes skipping out of the store with another beach bag in her hand.

“What’s up, my dudes?” she says.

Xavier lightens up a little bit; amusement crosses his features.

Cleo is definitely not someone who can read a room.

“Nothing. Xavier was just saying we’re going to have to go to São Paulo earlier than expected,” I respond.

“Okay,” she says before walking to the car, waiting for us at the end of the road. Chanel follows after her. Even though Cleo isn’t one to read the room, she sure can lighten it up without having to ask why.

“You guys really don’t mind?” he asks.

“Of course not. Your mom’s the first priority. Always.” I give him a sincere look.

He lets out a breath of relief. “I really wanted to show you as much as I could while I was here.” His tone is filled with disappointment.

“Hey.” I stop him with both of my hands on the sides of his arms. “We can just do it another time. Plus, it’s not like we’re leaving you. It’s still Brazil and it’s where you grew up and if I’m being honest, I want to see more of that than the tourist attractions,” I tell him sincerely.

His eyes soften and he smiles, then realization spreads across his face. “I have an idea; do you mind if we go by somewhere before going home?”

“Of course,” I reply. “We can tell the twins in the car.”

“Do you mind if it’s just you and me?” His question surprises me.

Anything we’ve done together most of the time has been with the twins. They’ve helped by being present and not letting another potential kiss happen. I hesitate internally. If I go with him, I might do something I regret.

His stare is filled with hope. All my defenses drop instantly and before I can even think I say, “Yea.”

“Perfect,” he tells me.

Xavier continues to walk ahead as we make our way down the cobblestone street and into the car. Closing the sliding door behind me, I plop next to Cleo and she’s giving me a look. One that’s sheepish as if she wants me to say something.

“Do you guys mind if the driver drops you off at the house? Vio and I need to run an errand,” Xavier asks.

“Hmm. An errand.” Cleo has a suggestive smile on her face.

I side-eye her, and the smile on her face gets even bigger.

“Sure, me and Cleo were thinking of checking out the nightlife before we leave tomorrow,” Chanel says from the back seat.

Xavier nods before he fully processes her words. “Cleo, can you open your phone and hand it to me?”

“Sure, but don’t go through my pictures,” she says before unlocking the face ID and handing it to him.

“Wasn’t planning on it.” He lets out a small laugh.

We sit in silence, but Cleo is still staring at me with a smile. I turn to her and mouth “stop” with a stern glance. She doesn’t budge, that grin still on her face.