“Pica Fresas, Carlos V, Pelon Pelo Rico, Pulparindo, Mazapanes, Vero Elotes,andBubu Lubu.” Her gaze is held by the candy aisle.

I have officially become a lost cause because her attention being set on sweets makes me jealous.

She doesn’t even acknowledge me and continues her ramble. “Then we are left with my two favorites.Glorias y Manguitos.” She smiles as if she’s thinking about eating them.

Her arms are filled with candy. She notices her lack of ability when it comes to getting more things in her hands. She walks toward the cashier and drops everything on the counter in front of him. I follow her lead, doing the same.

“¿Me los cuidas?” she asks the guy at the counter, and he nods in her direction.

“Si, señorita,” he replies.

Then she makes her way into another aisle filled with packaged pastries. I don’t know how we are going to eat all of this.

“When we do movie night, we do movie night!”

“We havePinguinos.” She grabs a dark blue box and hands it to me. “Rincolino, Gansitos, Panque, Marias, Mamut’sand finallyChoco Roles.” She has a bright smile on her face.

If this is what makes her happy, I am willing to buy the whole convenience store for her.

“Lastly, drinks.” Her eyebrows rise.

Vio is on a mission as she grabs a few drinks that are bright colors. She grabs a liter bottle of Sprite and then Coca-Cola.

“I’ve had Coca-Cola before. That’s not a new realm for me,” I tell her.

“It tastes different.” Is all she says before walking back to the front with the drinks in hand.

“It looks like we haven’t eaten in weeks.” I laugh.

“Well, this is what my idea of movie night is.” Her gaze is directed up toward me as she says the words. Almost brimming with excitement, Vio reaches into her back pocket.

I stop her in her tracks.

“Absolutely not.” My hand is on her arm, blocking her from reaching for her wallet.

“It’s my treat. After all, I’m the one who practically picked out the whole store.” She protests.

“Nope, I don’t care if you feel an obligation. I will be paying for this.” I grab my wallet out of my pocket, preparing for the total to show up on the screen.

Thank God I exchanged some money before getting here. Because I don’t plan on her paying for anything while I’m here.

“But I can pay.”

“I am well aware of that. You are an accomplished professional tennis player and can do things on your own. However, when I’m around, you won’t be paying. It’s not my pride that’s getting in the way. I’ve been raised to pay. So when you’re with me, you will not lift a single finger to take out your wallet. Understand?” I tell her, hoping I’m getting my point across.

Her eyes are wide in shock, and her perfect lips are parted. Vio moves her head downward and whispers, “Okay.”

“Good girl,” I tell her before looking at the total.

I hand the nice man at the counter a few bills. I tell him to keep the change, but he doesn’t understand me, so I turn to Vio to translate.

She does, still upset that she can’t pay.

“Muchísimas gracias, señor,” he tells me.

“Con mucho gusto,” I respond with the little Spanish I’ve accumulated from being around Ale almost every day for the past two years.

Vio begins to grab all the stuff on the counter and I follow along. She walks toward the door and then begins to struggle to open it, so I do it for her. We throw everything in the car and then get back into our seats.