Whereas Xavier and I are sweating like no tomorrow.

“When I count to three, I want you to push.”

I nod in response, taking a deep breath and mustering up all the strength I still have inside me.

“One.” He pauses. “Two.” He takes a deep breath. “Three!”

Both of my arms bend as my legs take up all the strength from under me. We both groan out as the jet ski starts moving.

Thank God.

“Keep going,” Xavier says through gritted teeth.

Once we know that the sand is letting it glide from in front of us, we start running. Our speed is in sync. The next thing I know, I feel moisture under my feet as the jet ski bobs on top of the water.

I let out a sigh of relief.

“I think we just did a second workout for today. Relieve stress, my ass.” Xavier falls onto the ground dramatically.

“I didn’t really think it through.” My tone is empathic.

“I can tell,” he responds.

I hear the motor of a jet ski come rushing up to the shore. The waves start getting choppier, and I notice Cleo coming in our direction.

“That was so fun! I’m so glad you thought of this, Vio.” She’s glowing.

The second I see her face, I realize that going through hell just to get a freaking jet ski in the water was worth it. I haven’t seen her this happy in months.

That girl who keeps her emotions inside while hiding them with her humor shines brighter than a diamond when she’s happy.

“Well, it’s time to get your booty off that jet ski because daddy is going to take it for a ride.” Xavier stands up.

“Cleo, you don’t have to get off.” I turn to Xavier. “Just get onto this one.” I grab the handle, clearly signaling that he can take it for a spin.

“Okay,” he responds with a shrug.

“What about you, Vio? Didn’t you want to hop on?” Cleo asks.

“Don’t worry. Whenever one of you is done, I’ll get on.” I give her a smile.

She nods in response, hooks the safety clip, and challenges Xavier with her eyes, who is strapped in.

A mischievous smile graces her features as she presses the throttle and shoots in the other direction. Xavier looks taken aback for a second. Snapping out of it, he crouches down, squinting at how far she’s gone.

“She thinks she’s so smart. Wait until she faces off with a jet ski veteran.” He turns around and winks at me. Then he’s off chasing after her.

I blush, knowing he’s not looking. In the last two days I’ve gotten to know Xavier, my attraction to him increased. Knowing that such a carefree man could be just my type is weird. I mean, the last man I loved is the don of the biggest cartel (possibly) in the world. Carefree would not be the word to describe him.

The saying that people have a type is something I’ve come to know isn’t true for everyone. It’s a weird thing to find someone attractive, yet you just want to be their best friend. Yes, I find Xavier attractive. I mean, who doesn’t? He’s hot. The tan skin, dark brown hair, and hazel eyes make him the definition of the tall, dark, and handsome. In that sense, he’s similar to León, who towers over you, and his features could cut you with a knife. But even though aesthetically they are similar, they couldn’t be more different.

I like being around Xavier, but every time I was around León, I felt this ache. I know I loved him the moment I met him, but even so, he hurt me in more ways than one.

Ways that I can’t fix.

The thought of even telling Xavier that I like him after being rejected by León so many times makes me want to vomit. But that also completely separates the fact that he has a girlfriend, a very beautiful billionaire heiress.

I am no cheater, and I promised myself that from a very early age. He’s Xavier Valente, and he could never be with someone like me, even if I wanted it. Because I never get what I want, no matter how badly I crave it.