“Yeah, we all know that I’m a masochist.” Xavier picks up his water bottle, uncaps it slowly, and brings the top to his lips.

“Please don’t tell me that weight training means weights on your neck?” I ask him, horrified.

Xavier’s back faces me as he looks at me through the mirror. That smile creeps on his tired face; all I can do is smile back.

“I don’t think you want to know, Blondie. It’s kind of hard to describe if you can’t see it in person.” He turns around to face me.

“I am so glad I’m a tennis player and not a Formula One driver,” I point out.

“Why would you say that?”

“Well, because I wouldn’t want to train my neck until I can’t move.” I put one hand on my hip and give him a cheeky grin.

He starts moving his neck in different directions. “Eh, wrong. My neck can move just fine.” He is trying to disprove my previous statement.

“Tell me how you feel in a few hours.” I roll my eyes. “Anyway, as I was watching you strain every bone in your body for a good few minutes, I came up with an idea that could help us relieve some stress.”

His eyebrows start moving up and down. “Is it something dirty?” The smirk on his face is playful.

“Ew, no. I am not talking about sex.” I push him on the shoulder, shaking off the blush that is dangerously threatening to turn a shade of bright red on my cheeks.

“Who said I meant sex?” Xavier shoots me a mischievous look.

“I’m not stupid. What else could it have meant?”

“First, you act all innocent when I allude to something sexual, and now you apparently see the signs when I don’t. Interesting.”

“Shut up.”

“I mean, you can let whatever you want run through your wild imagination. But I was referring to rolling through the mud or sand after jumping into the ocean.” His singsong tone makes me ten times more embarrassed than before.

“As I was saying before, you decided to take the conversation in a completely different direction. I was thinking of going jet skiing if you want to join me.”

“Of course I would love to join your skiing excursion. When were you thinking of getting the jet skis out?”

“In like an hour, so we can jet ski before the sun sets,” I respond, smiling.

“Sounds good. I’m glad that you need these big guns to help you carry them into the ocean.” He has a proud expression on his face.

I’ve noticed that Xavier is a people person. He likes to help anyone in his path, and it’s admirable. He’ll be the one to say something fun just to see you smile, or if you like something, he’ll try it just for you. If anyone thinks being a people pleaser is annoying, they haven’t met Xavier Valente.

“Whatever you say, see you in an hour.” I roll my eyes at his antics.



“Push!” Xavier grunts.

“I’m pushing, but it won’t go in,” I respond.

“The sand is getting in the motor, so the easiest thing we can do is push from one side,” Xavier instructs.

Xavier stands on the other side of the jet ski, pulling it by the rope that’s attached. I hear his feet walk through the sand as I look up at the sky, out of breath. It’s been forty minutes of the grueling physical tasks that entail putting a jet ski into the ocean.

First, it was taking the two jet skis out of the shed, then putting them onto a skateboard-like platform. But that wasn’t even the worst of our problems. The wheelie thing sank into the sand and left us with two jet skis sunk into the beach, and by some will of God, we have to get them into the ocean.

We successfully got one jet ski in the water; Cleo is riding leisurely around about a mile away from us. We told her to get on so it wouldn’t float away into the ocean where we couldn’t reach it. She replied with an eager yes, and now she’s going a few miles an hour with the sun in her face.