What the heck are we supposed to talk about?

Ale and Luca know, of course, because Xavier had to tell them. After their conversation at the Grand Prix, Ale sent me a message asking if I was okay. I responded by asking her why and then she told me that Xavier had to talk to them about it.

In a way, I’m grateful they’re here.

Not doing much, but at least present.

I can’t even imagine what this would be like if they weren’t here. I can’t even fathom being alone with both Marrisa and Xavier.

“How has your season been going, Vio?” Luca asks, breaking the silence that could quite literally cut glass.

“It’s been going well; I’m winning the smaller tournaments. But that’s what pushes up your ranking. Luckily there’re only four grand slams in a year.” I jump at the chance to make conversation.

“That’s good,” Luca responds with a nod.

“Xavier and I went to her tournament in Qatar. She played really well. It was a very different performance than the Australian Open.” Marrisa takes a sip of her wine.

The mention of my final match at the Australian Open makes me shift in my seat. “In her defense, she was playing against Letty.” Ale attempts to defend me, but all her words do is make me embarrassed.

I don’t want to be known as a player who couldn’t defeat the best.

I want to be known as the player who couldn’t be beaten.

“Vio’s going to beat Letty one day. I just know it. No one is unbeatable, not even the number one in the world.”

“For five consecutive years,” I grumble out in response to Xavier.

I’m not annoyed with Xavier; I’m annoyed with two things.

The first being that I can’t get it in me to beat Letty.

The second and most important, I’m in this situation.

Marrisa’s hand is on top of Xavier’s in a very public display of affection. Her fingers are caressing the top of his hand and it’s annoying me.

At the same time, what do I expect?

I can’t expect anything.

“Sorry,” I tell Xavier after my somewhat of a backhanded comment; he just defended me. My response is not fair to him.

“Don’t worry, I know you’re frustrated.”

I let out a content sigh.

“So what have you and Vio been doing the last few months? You guys must have had fun since you didn’t text me for weeks.”

Oh, she’s pissed.

I can tell by that fake smile on her face, it’s like sweet venom encapsulated in a toothy grin.

Xavier looks at me before lifting his glass of wine and taking a sip.

I do the same. We need some alcohol to get through this.

I’m not one to drink, but even so, I need some type of crutch when it comes to this whole situation.

I mean, what are we supposed to tell her?