I want to cringe and coo at the same time. Their act of affection reminds me of Vio. I want to kiss her like that. But at the same time, the thought of relationships makes me uncomfortable.

My romantic relationships are fucked and seeing a relatively healthy one has me feeling like I’m missing something.

I basically set Ale and Luca up; most of the time I say I can see the future for dramatic effect. Obviously, I was lying, yet I’ve predicted them from the start.

They hated each other at first, fighting every time they were even within a foot of one another, and now they are attached at the hip.

Their lips part and Ale smiles up at him.

“Get a room,” I murmur, but I have a huge smile on my face telling them otherwise.

I love love.

But it tends to fuck me over.

“I would be careful on how you talk to my fiancée in these next few minutes; she doesn’t seem happy with you.”

“Yes, boss. Never mind you left because she was getting too good for you to handle,” I respond.

Luca retired from his position as team principal about a year ago. He’s still extremely present in the team, having become an investor in his future wife’s career.

“I’m still your boss. I control the funds,” he replies.

“Okay, Mr. Bossy. Remember who I set you up with.” My eyebrows go up and down. I attempt to get up from my chair, wanting to walk as far away from Ale as possible.

“You are not off the hook, Valente.” Ale pushes me back down.

“Please enlighten me as to what you did,” Luca asks.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” My eyes go between a stern Ale and a cheeky Luca.

“You better tell him,” Ale tells me.

“Why?” I practically whine.

“Because you have to. He might give some insight. Plus, the fact that you can’t break up with your wretched girlfriend is not slipping past me.”

“She’s not wretched,” I tell her. Marrisa has always been super nice to Ale. Yet my teammate doesn’t like being in her vicinity.

“Her father is the biggest asshole I’ve ever met,” Ale chimes in.

“Tell me,” Luca says reassuringly.

“I kissed Vio,” I blurt out.

His body instantly goes rigid. “You did not.”

“Oh why, yes, I did.”

“You know you’re one of my best friends. But this isn’t your best moment.” He glances at Ale, seeing if he has to calm her down. But she’s doing just fine on her own if we exclude the daggers, she’s directing at me with her eyes.

“I am aware,” I reply, my tone clearly in agony.

“First of all, how did this happen?” He wants the details, and I don’t know how to even start telling him about it.

“It started when I went to Ale’s house in Acapulco. We had met when I was in Mexico City two years ago and a few times after when Ale invited her to past races. When I first met her, I was completely entranced. It’s like I was a pirate and she was a siren leading me to my eventual demise. But this is so much worse. We connected, I met her sisters, and it was like I finally belonged somewhere for once in my life. Me and Vio instantly connected on this level that I’ve never experienced. She went to Brazil with me and then I went to Australia with her and then flew to Qatar. The last time I saw her was in Monterrey where I kissed her and haven’t gotten her out of my head.” I’m out of breath as my words spill out into the air.

Luca lets out an exasperated laugh as he runs a hand down his face. “Xavier, what I’m about to tell you may freak you out, but you’re in love.”