Palm trees line up as the sun becomes evident due to the climate.

I come here every year for the Qatar Grand Prix in October. It’s a nice race of sorts, but I never come for a random trip. So this is a first for me. Marrisa seemed excited to go somewhere not tropical for Valentine’s Day like we’ve done the last two years.

The exterior of the complex is a testament to Qatar’s commitment to hosting world-class sporting events. The impressive entrance, flanked by tall pillars, draws a person in with an air of elegance and sophistication. The gentle sound of fountains nearby adds a touch of tranquility to the vibrant atmosphere.

The well-maintained outdoor courts are a sight to behold, their vibrant blue surfaces contrasting against the lush greenery surrounding them. The meticulous attention to detail is evident, as every line and the net are perfectly aligned, creating a stage fit for the world’s finest athletes.

It’s nice and Vio deserves to play in an atmosphere like this. She just played on the main stage since the tournament is in its final stages. But I didn’t fail to watch her other matches leading up to this one. Vio played on mostly outdoor courts, which doesn’t seem fun considering the heat.

But even so, she’s played like a champ.

The exterior walls of the complex are adorned with larger-than-life murals showcasing legendary tennis players in action. Their dynamic poses and expressions capture the intensity and passion of the sport, letting me imagine Vio up there one day. She deserves to be there just like every other tennis player depicted in these paintings.

I notice the flags of various nations fluttering in the breeze, not failing to focus on the Brazilian flag once I see the green blowing in the wind.

We pass the exterior, making our way to the exit, which I assume is for the athletes leading to their locker rooms.

The Qatar Total Energies Open is an all-women’s event, while the men play in Brazil at the same time.

We stop in front of the door.

“She should be out in a few,” Sofia tells us nonchalantly, then proceeds to take out her phone in boredom.

Marrisa is still glued to my side. “Are we going to leave soon?”

“Yea, just let me congratulate Vio and we can leave.”

She nods with excitement in her gaze. The feeling in my chest is the exact opposite of the emotion in her eyes. “Good. What am I supposed to say to her?”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“I mean, I haven’t properly met her. I only saw her when I was in the hotel room, naked after we fucked.” I flinch at her words.

“Just say hi,” I tell her.

“It’s a little awkward meeting the girl who’s been taking up all your time. I mean, she’s such a good friend of yours, I want to make a good impression.” Marrisa looks vulnerable and I can’t help but feel bad.

“She’ll love you,” I respond.

Marrisa smiles and then pulls me in for a kiss of thanks.

Yet again her lips don’t feel right on mine, but I kiss her anyway, trying to make her feel more comfortable.

“Look at my champion!” Sofia calls out.

That’s when I pull away from Marrisa, looking over quickly in the direction of Sofia’s exclamation.

As I gaze into her eyes, I can sense the flicker of jealousy dancing within their depths. It is an undeniable spark, a testament to her affection for me. Yet, it also stirs a bittersweet emotion within my heart.

I don’t know for sure if she’s jealous, but it’s as if I can tell.

She’s shooting daggers in Marrisa’s direction; I don’t even look over at Marrisa to check if she feels comfortable.

I just want to console Vio.

As if I can do that.

At this moment, I feel a strange sense of pride, knowing that I hold a special place in her heart.