She looks up and spots me as I walk towards her.

Panic is written all over her face.



My heart stopsthe moment Mick spots me.And from the look on his face, there’s no question he knows exactly who I am.It was ridiculous of me to think I could sit this close to the stage and remain invisible.

I guess if I’m brutally honest, somewhere deep down, I wanted him to see me.To recognize me.

But I’m not prepared for the man on a mission stalking towards me.

The pictures I’d been perving over don’t do him justice.And being this close to him brings up feelings I’d tried so hard to bury.

He crouches down and smiles.“Erin.”He says my name in that way that always made my belly flutter.


“I have to play in a few minutes.Promise me just one thing.Stay until after the show so we can have a chance to talk.Can you do that?”

I nod.“I’ll try.”


When the band takes the stage, my focus is entirely on the man behind the drum kit.The muscles of his arms bulge, bringing back memories of exactly how they looked propping up his torso as he thrust deep inside my body.

Memories of those fingers gently trailing along my skin.And those lips that had kissed every inch of me, proving me a screamer.

At least with him.

And I wonder what it would feel like to have that beard between my legs.

The memories and feelings are overwhelming, and I don’t know if I’m prepared for this.

I fight the urge to run away.I owe him that much.

The band plays song after song I don’t recognize.Looking around, I see people singing along, and I feel like a fraud.An intruder.Back when Mick was with Echo of Defiance, I knew all the words to every single song they played.

When the band finishes their last song, Mick raises his eyebrows and catches me in his gaze.He holds up five fingers.

I nod and watch while he quickly and efficiently packs away his drum kit, then stops to talk to his band.

When he’s done, he sits in the chair next to me.

“I was going to ask you to join me at the diner down the road—and we can do that if you’d prefer—but I’d really like to take you home with me.”The ‘to have sex’ part is left unsaid.

Decision time, Zepeda.Play it safe, or take the chance.I can almost hear Molly screaming in my ear to take the chance.

Then he leans in, stopping when our lips are just a breath apart.“Tell me yes, Erin.”

I shouldn’t.I really shouldn’t.



“It’s still not too late,Erin,” Mick says when we get out of his car.“You can bail at any point.Any.Point.Even if I’m balls deep in you and teetering over the edge.”