“Let me know.I need to get home to my girls and that means more than a few hours on the road.”

“Give them both hugs from me.I’ll be in touch.”

Nodding, I climb into my truck, ready to make the journey home to my family.

Erin and Chloe are both up when I arrive home.

“It’s a school night, shouldn’t you both be in bed,” I admonish as I come through the door.

“Mum said we could stay up until you get home,” Chloe tells me as she jumps into my arms for a hug.

“I’m so glad you did.I missed you both terribly while I was away.But now I’m home, and we’re all tired, so off to bed with us.”

“Are you too tired to tuck me in and sing me to sleep?”Chloe asks.

“Never.Go hop into bed, and I’ll be there in a minute.”


“You’re so good with her,” Erin says as she wraps her arms around me.“Welcome home.Glad you’re back.And I’ll be happy to show you how much when you come to bed.”

As soon as I drop my luggage off in our bedroom, I keep my promise to my sweet little girl.

“Chloe, I have a very important question to ask you.”

“What is it?”

“Would it be okay with you if I marry your mum?”

“Did she tell you to ask me?”

“Nope.I wanted your permission.Without it, I won’t propose.”


“Because it’s as much about you and what you want as it is about your mum and me.I love you both, and I would like us to be a family.”

“Okay.You can marry her.”

“Thank you.Now, I have another very important question.If we’re going to be a family, would it be okay if I became your dad?”

“You mean like adopt me?”

“That’s exactly what I mean.”

“Yes, please.”She throws her arms around me and gives me a big kiss on the cheek, making my heart explode.

“If you adopt me, does that mean I can change my last name to yours?”

“If you want to.”

“I want to.No more being called za-pita-bread and being the very last person for everything.”

“It won’t move you very far up the alphabet.”

“But I bet I won’t be last.”

“No, you probably won’t.”