Chloe wastes no time getting the paper off and opening the little jeweller’s box.Inside is a silver necklace with a small prancing horse charm hanging off it.

“It’s so beautiful, thank you Mick.”Climbing back on his lap, she throws her arms around his neck and gives him a smacking kiss on the cheek.“Will you put it on me?”

“Absolutely.I’m glad you like it.”He fastens the delicate chain around Chloe’s neck.

“And this one is for you,” he says as he hands me a similar sized package.When I open it, there’s a matching necklace.Only this one is in gold with diamonds for eyes.And on closer inspection our initials inside a heart are engraved on the horse’s rump like a brand.

“Thank you.It’s stunning.Will you put it on me please?”

Once it’s fastened around my neck, I grab his collar and pull him in for a kiss.

Later that night, long after Chloe is asleep and stockings are filled, Mick and I go for a walk in the snow.

“I’m so glad you came,” I tell him.“I was wrong to ask for space.And by the time I realized it was you I needed?—”

“That space helped us both figure out what we need.I’m leaving the label once the contract is up at the end of next year.”

“What about the band?”

He shrugs.“That depends on them.I’ve got plenty of options and when the time comes, you and I will make decisions based on what’s best for our family.”

Our family.I love the way that sounds.



December one year later

As soon as we return to Vancouver and my gear is safely stowed in my truck, I meet the rest of the band inside Frets.

“I’m done.I’ve honoured my contract to the letter.And now I’m done.Find another drummer, cuz I’m out.”

“Mick, come on, man.You don’t mean it.”

“Dylan, I told you all a year ago, I was done once the contract was up.And there is no way in hell I will ever sign another contract involving you, or Min-Ty Records.The bullshit my family and I have been put through, all for the almighty-fucking-dollar, was reckless and unconscionable.If I ever play in a band again, I’ll sure as fuck make sure my family is protected and that I have an out for anything that puts my family’s wellbeing at risk.Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have somewhereimportantto be.”

“Hold up, Mick,” Sid calls out.

Stopping, I turn to face him.“What?”

“Dylan, I’m out, too.Let’s go, Mick.”

It takes until we reach the parking lot for me to finally pick up my jaw from dragging on the ground.“What the hell, Sid?”

“I didn’t just sit quietly while all that shit went down with the label.I made it clear I didn’t like what was going on.But like you, I was bound by that contract.It shouldn’t have been a surprise to Dylan that I wasn’t going to re-sign with Rogue’s Union, or Min-Ty Records.”

“Jesus, Sid.What are you going to do?”

“I kind of thought you and I might form a new band.I’m willing to bet Jesse’s not going back.”

“What makes you think that?”

“Probably the fact that he told me so last night.”

“So, we just need a lead singer and guitarist.Got anyone in mind?”
