What I should do is walk away from him completely.But my damned heart won’t let me.

“I can give you that.But I think we need to publicly set the record straight.Together.A united front.”

“I hate that idea so much, but unfortunately, I think you’re right.”

“I’ll make the arrangements and then provide you with the details.”

“Just do me one favour…keep your fucking label out of it.They’ve done more than enough damage.”

“That’s the plan.I’ll be in touch.”

Later that afternoon, Mick and I are standing together on the front step of Sid’s house facing down a sea of cameras, journalists, and looky-loos, all shouting invasive questions.

Taking my hand, Mick gives it a gentle squeeze, which results in a barrage of flashes and shutter clicks.

We’d agreed he’ll do the talking.One more squeeze of my hand, then he lets go and holds both his hands up for quiet.When the din finally dies down, he takes my hand again.

“I will be giving a brief statement, and will not be answering questions.Due to the lies that have been published, Erin and I are forced to reveal publicly what is nobody’s business but ours.I will not repeat these lies.I will simply say this…Erin and I had been split up for a number of weeks by the time she discovered she was pregnant.She miscarried shortly after, and nearly bled to death.We have taken legal action against the individual who sold that pack of lies in addition to the media outlets that published them.And now we ask that you respect our privacy on this matter”

The noise is deafening as reporters shout their questions over one another.Tugging my hand, Mick leads me into Sid’s house.

“You both look like you could do with a stiff drink.”

“I could definitely use a beer if you’ve got one,” I admit to Sid.

“Me too,” Mick adds.

“Absolutely.Go have a seat in the living room with Jesse while I’ll grab ‘em.”

Before we go in, I stop Mick.“I still need space.Once we get out of here, I’m going to need you to give me that,” I whisper.

“I know, and I will.All I ask is that you don’t ghost me.”

“It’s been a lot in a short amount of time.I need to process it all without you as a distraction.Okay?”


Jesse stands up as we enter the living room.“It’s good to meet you, Erin.Sorry it’s under such shitty circumstances.”

“Thanks, Jesse.”

“How’s Chloe doing?”

“Better than I have a right to hope.But she’s of an age where they just take shit in stride.They need enough information to satisfy curiosity, but not every last detail.I think it’s also helped that I didn’t keep her away from what’s been reported.Instead, I’ve watched and read with her.That way, I’ve been able to correct misinformation as she encounters it.Also, it’s given her a very good lesson in getting the facts for yourself and not believing everything you see or hear, even if it’s on the news.Sometimes you just have to turn bad situations into teachable moments.”

Sid comes in and hands me a beer.I take a long swig, then a deep breath.It was going to be a long night.The plan is to stay here and wait out the crowd outside, with the hope of slipping out the back and making our getaway.



It’s beenhard to give Erin the space she asked for and I’ve held out for as long as I can without hearing from her.But, it’s Christmas Eve and I was hoping to get permission to drop off the gifts I got for her and Chloe.So, I sent her a text this morning, which has gone unanswered.

I consider swinging by anyway.But I remind myself that I’d promised her space.I owe it to her to wait until she’s ready.

One thing events of these past days have done is convince me not to renew my contract with Min-Ty.If that means leaving the band, then so be it.

I’m just sitting down for lunch when my phone alerts to a text.I grab it up, hoping it’s Erin.