“Of course you did.Because your life has been nothing but fuck-ups since she walked into Frets.What do you need?”

“The four-one-one on what really happened.”

“Oh, man.You accused her head on without having all your ducks in a row?”

“Guilty.And now I need to fucking fix it.”

“On it.Patience, because this could take some time.I may need to…well…some things are best left unknown.Plausible deniability and all that.”

“Thanks, Sid.”

Patience is something I’ve never had much of.But sometimes you just don’t have any other choice.So I wait.And while I wait, I write.I’m a mess of emotions and writing is my only outlet.But huge lesson learned, this song is only ever for an audience of one.

A few hours later, Sid calls back with news.

“Damn, it shouldn’t have been this easy to get, but here’s the short version.There was no abortion.She miscarried at fourteen weeks and nearly bled to death.The story that’s being spread came from a former nursing student who’d been in the ER at the time.Apparently, she’s a jealous fan and saw it as an opportunity to twist the facts and vilify Erin.”

“Thanks, man.Gotta go make with the epic grovelling.”And hire a good lawyer.



“This is insane,”I complain to Molly.I don’t know how famous people cope.It’s like being in a fishbowl.We can’t go anywhere, or do anything.I’ve ruined Christmas for my entire family.”

“That’s bullshit.Sit tight, I’ll be back.”

A couple of minutes later, Molly comes back and hands me her phone.Ruth is on the line.“Erin, come spend Christmas with us.I’ll call your parents and get them onboard.We’ll have a big family Christmas right here on the ranch.There’s more than enough room for everyone and you can get Chloe to leave a note there for Santa to let him know where to find her.”


“No excuses.We’ll be expecting you all tomorrow along with Molly.Now get cracking.”Then the phone goes dead.

“You heard my mum,” Molly laughs.“Get cracking.

When I get home, my parents are ready to go.

“Go get packed up and we’ll get an early start in the morning.I’ll load everything into my SUV.That way nobody will be able to tell you’re leaving town.”

Now we have a plan, we all get to work.



I nearly dismissMick’s call.It’s only been a few hours, and it doesn’t seem likely that he could obtain the truth this fast.But, in the age of the internet, I guess anything is possible.I accept the call, but remain silent.



“I am the biggest idiot on the planet.I should have asked you what happened, not jumped all over you with accusations.And I’m sorry.I’m also sorry for what you went through.I still wish that you told me before you left England and given me a chance?—”

“Stop.I didn’t find out I was pregnant until after I returned to Vancouver.And I did intend to tell you.But I needed some time to figure out what I wanted for myself and the baby before I brought you into it.And then it didn’t matter what either of us wanted.”

“Erin, I honestly don’t have words for how sorry I am about everything.I’ve caused nothing but grief and upheaval for you, and I know I should walk away, but I’m a selfish man and want to get closer.”

“I can’t talk about this right now.I’m dealing with a world that thinks I’m some kind of monster.I was forced to explain things to Chloe that she’s really too young to comprehend.I need space.”