“Mummy, why didn’t you tell me you are back together with that Mick guy?”

“I’m not.This is the first I’ve heard about it.And you shouldn’t be reading over my shoulder.It’s rude and an invasion of privacy.”

“Sorry, Mumma.”

“Forgiven.Now, I need to deal with this, then I’ll come and tell you, Grandma, and Grandpa what’s going on, okay?”

“Okay.But for the record, I’d be perfectly fine having a rock star for a daddy.”


“Go help grandma or something, and I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

Nodding, she skips off out of my room.

Erin:Fix this.Fix this now.My daughter just came in asking why I didn’t tell her you and I are back together.YOU NEED TO FIX THIS.

Mick:Calling you right now.Answer your phone.

When my phone rings,my finger hovers over the decline button for a moment before I give in and accept the call.

“How the hell did you get my phone number?”

“The label.”

“Of course, the label.I’m sick to death of this damned label.Some anonymous entity that seems to be doing nothing but messing up my life.”

“I get it, Erin.And I am truly sorry.I’d have told you sooner, except they didn’t tell me what they were doing either.I just happened to catch it because your name came up in an alert.”

“How do you deal with these people when they interfere in your life like this?”

“Up until now, they’ve been more like background noise.You’re going to hate this, but I think we should play to their narrative.Only until after New Year.People will be back to work and school and things will die down and we can quietly break up.”

“Meanwhile, my daughter—who just informed me she’d be perfectly fine with a rockstar daddy, by the way—gets hurt.Because she’s nine and even though I told her you and I are not back together, she’s probably already constructed a whole future where you are her daddy forever.At least as things stand right now, I can nip that in the bud.Two weeks from now?That’s going to be an ocean of tears.And I will not stand for it.Over and above all that, I will not allow my daughter to be complicit in a lie.I don’t understand why you can’t just make a statement of your own telling the truth.”

“Because I stupidly signed a contract that said the label control my publicity.”

“They don’t control mine.”

“True.But they could find a way to bury you in legal bills.Which I’d happily pay, except the reality is, I don’t make epic rock star coin.”

“So, what exactly does this damned label expect of me?”

“I did manage to negotiate things down some, but they want at least one appearance that includes Chloe.”


“That’s what I told them.But here’s the thing, tabloids and paparazzi will do whatever it takes for a story.If we agree to the appearances the label is asking for, we get to control the narrative.We can make the deal that Chloe’s privacy and safety is paramount and we’re willing to allow access at a time and place of our choosing.But that’s only if both you and Chloe agree.”

“I hate this.I hate this so damned much.”

“I know.I do, to and I’m so sorry I brought this all on you.Who knows, maybe your daughter will hate me and be glad to be shot of me.”

“Doubtful.When do we have to do this.I’d like to get it out of the way.”

“How about tomorrow.”

“That’ll work.”