“Don’t worry. We’ll do it again. Soon.”

She shivered with anticipation.

In moments they were both naked, though whose hands removed whose clothing was a jumbled confusion. Cash’s mouth conquered her body, his hands teasing with sweet torture, until she squirmed in abandon.

“Now. Please.” She panted and pleaded as he drove her to the edge but didn’t let her slide over.

“Tell me.” His fingers fluttered over her slick folds. “Tell me again.”

“I love you.” She clamped her thighs around his questing fingers. “I need you.”

The growl that thundered from his chest was primitive and raw. Her legs fell open and he probed deeper. He stroked her core as he fed on her breast and her orgasm shattered, hurtling her into the cosmos of her mind.

She was still gasping from the force of it when he nestled between her knees and plunged inside. Delicate nerve-endings sparked into flame again and she clung to him, heels under his buttocks, hands on his back. Her whispered encouragements mingled with his hoarse, roaring breaths. His motions grew frantic, uncoordinated. With one last, deliciously punishing invasion, he stiffened, exploded, and collapsed on top of her.

CASH HAD NEVER LIKED the term “making love.” He’d thought it coy, needlessly discreet, and ill-suited for the messy, primitive, raucous delight of fucking.

He understood it now. Sex with someone you loved and who loved you back, with someone you knew to the depths of your soul and who knew you the same way?

Well, it was different. That’s all he could say.

As he held a limp and satiated Penta and listened to her soft snores, he marveled at the difference a day made. There were still things they had to deal with—ignoring Tyrone wouldn’t make him go away, for one—but he could face the morning knowing he was part of a team. That he wouldn’t have to struggle alone. That someone had his back.

It was an odd feeling—and one he vowed never to take for granted.

He lay on his side, Penta’s head heavy on his bicep, her ass snuggled perfectly against his groin. As much as he didn’t want to disturb her, his shoulder was starting to ache. He shifted, easing out from under, and stretched out on his back.

She followed, her eyes fluttering open, the curve of her shoulder and hip silhouetted against the moonlit window. “Hey, there.”

“Hey.” A goofy grin curved his lips. Her answering smile looked as giddy as his felt and he wondered again at the miracle that was love.

“Why aren’t you sleeping?” Her breasts pressed against his side and his cock stirred on his thigh.

“Not tired.”

“You need to sleep.” Her fingertips feathered under his eyes.

“I don’t want to miss anything.”

Her drowsy expression softened further. “Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.” She snuggled in, draping a knee over his thigh and resting her hand on his chest. “And neither are you.” Her fingers toyed with the hairs there for a few moments and then stilled as her breath evened out once more in sleep.

Her quiet declaration rang with fierce sincerity. He closed his eyes and let it lull him into a deep and peaceful slumber.

Chapter Thirty-Four

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Cash gripped Penta’s hand, preventing her from entering Golden Dragon Tattoos. “I don’t want you to regret it. Trust me. I have lots of ink I wish I hadn’t gotten.”

She could admit she was nervous, but about the potential pain, not the tattoo she’d chosen. “Are you going to regret getting this one?”

His answer was a kiss so forceful, so demanding, it drove all thoughts from her head. “I could never regret anything to do with you.”

Dizzy and distracted, she had only one reply. “The same goes for me.”

Helen greeted them with boisterous delight as they entered the studio. “I’ve set you up in the big room so you can be together while we do this. Cash, you’ll be with Roberta. She’s one of my new artists, but very good. Penta, you’re with Jamie. They’re my most experienced, and I thought you’d feel more comfortable knowing that.”

As Helen and her team buzzed around getting everything settled, Penta tried to relax. The atmosphere reminded her of the dentist—the scent of antiseptic, the tray of unfamiliar instruments, the smoothly upholstered reclining chair.

Cash chatted with Jamie, who he seemed to remember from a previous visit years ago. His laughter rolled out, deep and rumbly, and she was struck by the change in him during the last couple of weeks. The grim gruff loner surfaced once in a while, but more and more she saw his generous joyful side.