“Thank you for the Baby Bonnie. I appreciate the gesture, I really do.” Her fingers stroked his beard as she kept her head tucked under his chin. “But I can’t accept her. She belongs with you.”

“You said I love that bike, and you’re right. I do.” Suddenly, the blockage in his throat dissolved and the words slipped out—easy, right, and peaceful. “But I love you more.”

THE JOYOUS SOBS PENTA had been stifling for several minutes escaped. Her emotions ran so high she thought her chest would burst. Far too aware of Cyril on the floor below, she kept her lips pressed together and buried her face in Cash’s neck. The zippers on his leather riding jacket dug into her in uncomfortable places, but she didn’t care.

His arms banded around her shaking shoulders. “Don’t cry. Oh, god, please don’t cry. I take it back if it upsets you so much. I take it back.”

She reared up and punched his shoulder. “Don’t you dare. You can’t take it back now. You said it. You love me.”

He regarded her with such a conflicted expression a hysterical giggle bubbled through the easing sobs. His brows lowered, masculine confusion written all over his face, and apparently decided silence was his best option.

“I love you too.” Penta brushed her fingertips across the lips half-hidden behind his beard. “I love you so much. So you can’t take it back. You said it, and I’m holding you to it.”

With a suddenness that had her gasping, he rose to his feet, staggered the two steps toward the sofa, and dropped her onto it. His heavy solidness followed, covering her like a weighted blanket, and then his mouth was on hers.

His promises of passion mingled with profanities ravished her soul as his caresses worshipped her body. She drifted, delirious after a week of doubt and depression, whispering her own words of assurance. It was only when his hand slipped inside the waistband of her pajama bottoms and dipped into her wetness that a shred of sanity returned.

“Cyril. Downstairs.” She arched, encouraging his fingers deeper. At some point, his jacket had been tossed to the floor and his jeans unzipped. She worked her own hand under his boxer briefs and gripped his hard hot shaft. “Might hear us. Bedroom?”

He hissed and thrust his hips. “Ask me to stay, Penta. Ask me.”

“Stay, Cash. Always.”

CASH COULDN’T WAIT to show Penta what her commitment meant to him.

They stumbled up the stairs to her room, his hands on her waist urging her forward. Inside, he nudged the door closed with his heel. She spun in his grasp, her silky pajamas cool and slippery, and raised up on tiptoe.

He lowered his head and took her offered mouth. Their lips clung and slid in a delirious dance. Her taste infused his blood with comfort and lust.

"God, I missed you.” He muttered the words against the plush softness of her cheek as he trailed kisses to her ear. His hand roamed under the loose top and cupped her heavy breasts. He wanted to ravage her and seduce her, take her hard and cherish her gently.

She moaned, her hands gripping his shoulders. “Me too. I thought I’d missed my chance.”

“What chance?” he asked absently. He released her breasts and fumbled with the buttons holding her pajama shirt together.

Her hands slid to the open front of his jeans again and her thumb brushed the damp head of his cock. “The chance to taste you.”

He froze. Penta was a joyful and cooperative lover, but she’d never offered this before and he hadn’t asked. “You don’t have to.”

“I want to.” She lowered to her knees and shoved fabric out of her way. Her eyes gleamed up at him. “Penta Unleashed, remember?”

Her mouth closed over him and he groaned. Her hands found his and brought them to her skull. He needed no more urging, gripping her firmly and holding her exactly where he wanted her, hips pulsing, encouraged by her moans as she sucked and licked.

Electric energy gathered at the base of his spine, tightening his balls. “Stop. Wait.”

She ignored him, making delighted, approving noises as her mouth worked him.

“Penta. I’m going to—” He jerked uncontrollably, driving his cock deeper.

She drew her lips off slowly, her tongue teasing. “You don’t want to finish this way?”

“Fuck, yeah I do. But not tonight.” He lifted her from the floor and they tumbled onto the bed.

PENTA LICKED HER LIPS, savouring Cash’s taste. He’d bucked into her mouth, his bullish grace shredded by her touch, and she’d loved wielding her power.

Now he hovered above her, braced on his palms, silver eyes molten like mercury. “You liked that, didn’t you?”

She nodded vigorously and a gleam of amusement softened the intense creases around his eyes.