He winced. “Sorry. I’m messing this up.”

She took another step. “It’s okay. I am tired.” One more step. “I haven’t been sleeping well.”

“Me, neither.” His feet remained glued in place as he willed her to keep coming. Every inch nearer raised his hope another degree. “I’m sorry we woke you. You weren’t supposed to hear. I wanted you to find this in the morning. I wrote a card.” He pointed at the white envelope tucked into the bouquet.

She tilted her head, a corner of her mouth lifting. “Well, since I’m here now...?”

He tried to remember what he’d written. He’d spent hours finding the right words.

Nothing. His mind was blank. Penta’s small smile faded.

“I said horrible things,” he blurted. “I wanted to apologize.”

Her shoulders drooped, just a fraction, as if she’d expected something else and was disappointed. “That’s what the flowers and cookies are? An apology?”

“Yes. And there’s more.” He held out his hand. “Come with me?”

“Where? I’m in my pajamas.”

“Just to the front door.”

She stared at his hand. When she took it, tentative but willing, tears burned the back of his throat and he swallowed hard. God, he’d missed her touch.

Leading her to the entrance, he unlocked the door, opened it, and tugged her onto the step. The night breeze held a slight chill and she shivered. He wanted to cuddle her, share his warmth, but refrained.

He pointed to the box of his pickup. “I want you to have the Baby Bonnie.”

Chapter Thirty-Three

Secure in her restraints, the Tiger Cub had ridden to Penta’s like a queen in her carriage—elegant, regal, and mysterious. Her chrome and bright red paint gleamed in the moonlight, a beautiful sight. But nowhere near as beautiful as the rumpled, sleepy, bemused woman standing next to him.

“I had planned to unload her, leave her for you to find in the morning. I couldn’t drive her over because I needed the truck to bring the cookies and flowers. Hard to carry that on a bike. And I didn’t want to walk home, either.”

Cash knew he was rambling. Penta’s unnatural silence and statue-like stillness unnerved him. Her eyes never left the Bonnie and her lips were slightly parted, as if stunned.

Finally, she drew her gaze away and looked at him. “You want me to have her? I’ve watched you work on her all summer. You love that bike. I was sure you were going to keep her for yourself.”

“Even if you turn around and sell her tomorrow, I want to know she was yours, at least for a little while. I want you to have her. Because she reminds me of you.”

“What do you mean?”

“She’s strong and beautiful, and so are you. She’s meant to go places and have adventures, and so should you. Penta Unleashed, remember? I’m so sorry I accused you of ignoring your kids. That was cruel. And wrong. So wrong. You’re a good mom, and I shouldn’t have used your love as a weapon.”

Her lips trembled, but just for an instant. “Why did you, then?”

“I was trying to protect you. I didn’t want Tyrone to use you like he used the kids. Didn’t want my past to ruin anything more than it already had. I had to send you away, no matter what it took.”

A breeze fluttered her curls and she shivered.

“Let’s go inside.” He drew her back, shut the door, and paused, unsure of where to go next.

Penta guided him to the living room, pushed him into the upholstered chair, and climbed into his lap.

The fragile hope flickering in his chest flamed higher. With a rumbling sigh, he wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her crown.

“I understand.” Her words were soft, a bare breath. “For a long time now, you’ve been told that to keep those you love safe you have to stay away. But I don’t want you to stay away, Cash. I’d rather be with you, no matter what the trials and troubles, than be without you.”

The stone in his throat threatened to choke him. He swallowed, trying to dislodge it, but couldn’t. The words he wanted to say, words he was terrified to say, jammed up behind it, unspoken.