Distracted from her survey of his body, she looked at his face. He observed her with such glittering intensity she lost her breath. “What?”

“Tell me what you want, then beg me for more. I want to hear you scream my name.”

Her body liquefied. Drowning in sensuality, she struggled to speak.

“Tell me what you want, Penta,” Cash commanded for the third time.

HAD NO ONE EVER ASKED her what she wanted before?

Penta’s obvious bewilderment created a maelstrom of conflicting emotions in Cash. Rage that her needs had been ignored in the past. Delight that he’d be the one to fulfill those needs.

Nuzzling her neck, the sensitive skin under her ear, he softened his tone, barely breathing the words. “Where should I touch you? Where do you want my mouth?”

The pulse at the base of her throat throbbed rapidly. He licked it and she jolted, hands curling into fists. He was hyperaware of her blood rushing through the veins of her wrists, pinned by his much larger hands.

Her voice, when it finally came, was thin and hesitant, with a lilt that warned him not to press too hard, too fast. “My breasts?”

He hummed with contentment and dropped tiny kisses from her throat up the slope of her full breast to the rosy circle around her nipple. Her body tightened. When he moved away from the sensitive centre to the shallow valley between, she whimpered as if disappointed. Swiping his tongue on the underside, he revelled in the softness, the scent of summery sweat, before making his way back up again.

With her arms still held above her head and his knees clamped around her legs, all she could do was squirm. Her breasts jiggled in delightful temptation.

“More?” His lips brushed her nipple as he spoke.

She moaned. “More. Everything. All of you.”

His cock, crushed inside his jeans, jerked in painful agreement. Relinquishing her hands, he unbuttoned and unzippered, groaning in relief, before latching onto her breast again, hunching over her smaller form.

She tasted of honey and heat, of home and heart. He plumped the mounds of fragrant flesh together and feasted on one then the other. She made quiet, needy sounds as her hands swept from his skull down his chest, around his ribs, and lower. Her fingers slipped inside his unfastened jeans and gripped his hips.

He showed his approval by nipping her with lip-covered teeth. She gasped and arched—and one hand slid between them to grip his cock.

Her fingers were cool and firm. With no hesitancy, she worked him up and down, thumb and forefinger making a ring that bumped over the head of his swollen shaft in erotic torture. Panting, he raised his head. “If you keep doing that...” Helplessly, he thrust into her hand. His balls tightened with impending release, but he couldn’t tear himself out of her clasp.

“Yes. I need you inside me.” Her fierce command revealed nothing but need and desire, all shyness gone. “I have condoms in my purse.”

“Got some here.” He yanked open the nightstand drawer, fumbling for the slippery foil packet. “Move up.”

She scrambled on elbows and heels until she rested against the pillows at the head of the bed. In one swift yank, he pulled off her underwear and leggings. The next time he would take more care, spend more time. But by the flush on her face, the way her knees fell open, she was as eager as he. Musky scent filled his nostrils and he sucked in a deep breath as he struggled out of his own clothing.

Kneeling before her, he rolled on the condom. Her arms reached for him. “Come here. Now.”

It took a moment or two to get the angle right, to sort out whose limbs went where. When he slid into her warm welcome, he almost wept.

She whispered in his ear, meaningless syllables suffused with delight and passion. With one elbow braced by her head and the other arm under her hips, he thrust in a staccato rhythm, lost in acceptance, in joy, in connection.

A shudder swept through her and her legs stiffened as liquid heat rushed over his cock. Moments later, his own release shattered, pinwheels of light exploding behind his eyes, electric shocks jolting down his spine.

PENTA LAY PANTING AND limp under Cash’s sprawling weight, extremities tingling from the force of her orgasm. Good god, she’d needed that. She had a toy—ordered online and delivered in discreet packaging—hidden at the back of her nightstand, but rarely used it.

Nothing inanimate could possibly compare to what Cash had just given her.

As her skin cooled and her breathing eased, doubt crept back in. Had she been too forward? Or not forward enough? Should she have touched him longer, maybe even offered a blow job? It wasn’t her favourite sexual activity, though she might not mind it with Cash. But he’d said he wanted her to ask for what she’d wanted, and she’d really wanted him inside her. Hopefully, he had meant it.

His torso swelled as he drew in a long breath, crushing her deeper into the mattress, and then he listed to the side. She wanted to go with him, to cuddle under his arm, drape her knee over his thighs, but didn’t want to appear clingy.

The growl of a heavy engine reverberated through the exterior wall, the beams of headlights tracking across the ceiling. “I’ll be right back.” He rolled off the mattress and disappeared toward the bathroom.

Now what? Should she get up and go? Midnight was still a couple hours away, but she didn’t think she could stand the awkwardness of small talk. Not after the intensity, the intimacy, of what had just passed between them.