“Would a bad girl do laundry instead of going for a ride with her tattooed ex-con of a fake boyfriend?”

She squared her shoulders. “No, she wouldn’t. Let’s do it. The kids won’t be back until around eight.”

He held back a chuckle. Her determination to break the rules while still being a responsible mother was adorable.

Good god. When had he started even thinking words like adorable?

“Should I change?”

Elle’s birthday party was the first time he’d seen Penta in anything other than loose pants and oversized hoodies. He wouldn’t be a guy if he hadn’t appreciated how the shapely fit of her new-to-him look highlighted the curves of her body in delectable ways. Today she was back to her usual wardrobe.

He cleared his throat. “You might want to put on a jacket. It will feel cool while we’re riding. Something in leather or canvas or heavy denim. Also, the boots you wore for the training course, if you still have them.”

“Okay then. I’ll be right back.” She disappeared toward the kitchen.

A FEW MINUTES LATER, Penta locked the house and joined Cash on the driveway. Her heart pounded in her chest. This wasn’t going to be a crawl around a parking lot. But the thought of a Sunday afternoon doing chores in an empty house held no appeal. She wanted more.

He nodded with approval at the bomber length canvas coat she’d borrowed from Felix—it was several sizes too big but fit over her sweatshirt—and the heavy boots laced high on her ankles.

“I hope I didn’t take too long.” She accepted the helmet he held out and placed it on her head. “I couldn’t find the jacket right away.”

He took the buckle from her fumbling fingers, clicked it under her chin, and efficiently tightened the straps. His knuckles grazed her jaw and a tremble of awareness swept over her skin.

“You put the load of laundry in, didn’t you?”

She smiled guiltily, relieved his expression was indulgent, not annoyed. “It can work while I’m playing.”

He laughed, grey eyes glinting as the sun sparked embers off his quivering beard. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to leave it.” He gave her chin a gentle tap with his fist. “You’re a good mom, Penta.”

His compliment flustered her almost as much as his touch. “Aw, shucks. You’re too kind,” she said in an awful attempt at a Southern belle accent.

Then he ruined it. “Even if you do coddle them. Don’t think I didn’t notice you picked out the Father’s Day card for them to give to their dad.” He slid the visor down over her face.

“I was getting one for my dad anyway. It was just simpler.” She tried not to sound defensive, but wasn’t sure she managed.

He straddled the bike, raised it off the kickstand, swept the prop up, and patted the slightly raised seat behind him. “Hop on. Time to forget being a mom for a while. Time to be Penta Unleashed.”

She giggled at that. “Penta Unleashed. Sounds like a bad rock band.” Balancing on one foot, she attempted to swing a leg over, but the bike was too tall.

"Use the peg, remember.”

“Right. Thanks.” Like getting on a horse. Once seated behind him, she reached down, searching for the hand grips. “Uh, Cash...?”

He twisted around and she fluttered her fingers near her hips in confusion. His eyebrows waggled wickedly. “Sorry. No grab handles on this one. You’ll have to hold onto me.”

If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was flirting. But that wasn’t the arrangement they had. While she could admit to herself she found him more handsome the longer she knew him, she had no illusions about her own ability to attract male attention.

Or inability, as the case may be.

The motor roared into quivering life. “Ready?” He raised his voice over the grumble of the engine.

Oh, god. She hoped she wouldn’t embarrass herself. “Ready.” She laid her hands lightly on his shoulders. It seemed less intimate than his hips. Even through the layers of clothing she was aware of his heat, his strength.

He pushed with his legs and the bike reversed out of the driveway. In the residential area and as Cash weaved their way out of the city at a modest pace, she kept her balance easily, though she didn’t risk taking her hands off him. Once they hit the highway heading east, though, she discarded all notions of propriety and wrapped her arms around his waist, clenched her thighs around his, and clung like a limpet.

“All right?” His shout whipped past her ears.

“Yes.” This was what she wanted—to be pushed from her comfort zone. No way was she going to admit her fears.